Slack Investor remains IN for US, UK and Australian index shares.

September heralds a change of season and there is some nervousness creeping into the Australian market (ASX 200 index -1.8%) as the Banking sector continues reeling from the interim report on the finance sector by Royal Commissioner and Slack Investor Hero – Kenneth Hayne . Wall St is steady (S&P 500 +0.4%) and the FTSE 100 has bounced back a little (+1.0%). However, the Slack Investor stop losses are not breached and decisions are put away till the end of October.
All Index pages and charts have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX Index, UK Index, US Index).
SPIVA … What’s the score?

It is the end of season for winter football codes in Australia. Slack Investor welcomes back Roy Slaven and HG Nelson for brightening up his weekend and helping him keep score with their commentary on the “Festival of the Boot” – This is a distraction, but you can get a taste of the genius of Roy and HG here, here or, for a great Australian Bradbury moment here. For the “Festival of the Boot” here. It might be a sign of my perpetual immaturity, but I just don’t tire of these gentlemen.

The data reveals that there are some funds that beat the index, but they tend to invest in small to medium sized companies. As Roy and HG would say … You would have to be in the “Dream Room” to ignore the power of the SPIVA message.
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Really interesting stats about active vs passive performance!
Yes Mawer Money – I really should have made more of this point. It might explain why low-cost ETF’s are booming at the expense of retail funds. There still seems to be some skill for some active managers with small to medium companies though.