Cash is not King

From memegenerator

My nephew is a carpenter and he would often gleefully say “Cash is King” when offered a cash job – no paperwork and no tax. This was fine for him as he was on a travel holiday and didn’t want the hassle of being on the books and claiming his tax back at the end of his holiday.

But, to the investor, Cash is not King.

If you hold too much of your wealth in cash, you won’t be able to keep pace with inflation, meaning your purchasing power will go down and it will be more difficult for you to achieve your goals.

Black Swan Capital

Slack Investor cannot argue that money in the bank is not safe, The government guarantees balances up to $250,000.

Cash is important for day to day expenses and your emergency cash buffer, “the cushion” to keep you going for about 2-3 months in an emergency. However, to get on the path to financial independence you must invest in appreciating assets.

Term Deposits, Bonds and Fixed Interest

For a relative, Slack Investor was trying to find a place where cash would earn a decent rate – without too much risk. There is not much around. Most transaction accounts pay no interest or 0.1% interest per year. If you are prepared to lock your money away for a year in a term deposit in a major bank, you might get 0.85%. One of the newer banks, Judo Bank, is offering 1.01%.

There are a few offerings in the bonds and fixed interest area. I ended up in the Vanguard Australian Fixed Interest Index Fund with a management fee of 0.24% and 1 and 3 year returns of 3.2% and 4.7%, respectively. The fund lends money to mostly government authorities – but, unlike term deposits, the returns are not guaranteed. A similar product is offered as an Exchange Traded Fund Vanguard Australian Fixed Interest Index ETF (VAF).

Growth Assets – Shares and Property

Higher up the risk curve are funds based upon share (equity) investments. In these funds or ETF’s the rewards can be higher – but the risks are also much greater. Only invest in shares or share funds with money that you can lock away for 3 to 5 years.

To grow wealth we must have exposure to growth assets such as shares and property.

Shane Oliver, AMP
Asset classes shown on a logarithmic scale for the past 120 years – From “5 charts to help you through COVID-19 investment fear” – Shane Oliver

Australian shares have returned on average 11.5% per year from 1900 to 2020. The incredible value of sustained compounding over long periods is shown by the dollar amounts achieved over 120 years – A $ 1 investment yielded $481, 910 for Australian Shares, $1017 for Bonds and a paltry $242 for cash. But these high returns on investment in Australian shares did not come without risk. Since 1900, Australian shares have had negative returns for two years out of ten.

A similar chart with data to 2016 shows that Australian residential property has a similar trajectory to Australian Shares (11.1% p.a.). There are many hidden costs to owning property – but that is another story. Lower on the risk curve, are Bonds and Cash.

Slack Investor acknowledges that people have different appetites to risk, but if you are in the fortunate position to be sitting on some cash in excess of your emergency fund … the current rates for term deposits encourage a first journey up the risk curve and consider fixed interest funds or ETF’s. For money that you wont need for the next 3-5 years, then shares have the best long term returns. If your time frame is longer, then a well positioned property has been a good investment.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

H. Jackson Brown Jr. from Goodreads

Know when to Fold’em … and October 2020 – End of Month Update

“He said, “If you’re gonna play the game, boy
You gotta learn to play it right …

You’ve got to know when to hold ’em
Know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run

Excerpt from “The Gambler” written by Don Schlitz and recorded by  Kenny Rogers.

Kenny makes this sound easy, but selling shares is tricky and Slack Investor does not always get this decision right – and I’m OK with that. The Slack Investor art is just to attempt to get things “mostly right”. There are some stocks that I will hold for the long run, and their weekly and monthly charts are not of a big concern to me. However, about half of my portfolio is on a weekly or monthly watch – I review the Incredible Charts output for each of these stocks on the weekend or at the end of the month.

I pay particular attention when the stock price falls below my stop loss on the monthly chart. In hindsight, I should have been more alert back in August. A2M is a good company with a unique product and has shown excellent growth in the last 5 years. However, earnings season is always a bit volatile for the growth sector.

The FY20 results showed a record profit but there were some question marks about FY21. The real catalyst for a downward price move was the later release of an acquisition and that members of the board and senior executive team had sold over 1.8 million shares. Selling by insiders is not always bad, as the executives might just be diversifying their portfolios – However, in this case, the market took a dim view. Overall, the A2 Milk Company Ltd (ASX: A2M) share price has slumped more than 15% since the release of its FY21 outlook.

Monthly Price chart of The A2 Milk Company (A2M) showing a buy in at $11.66 in January 2019 and a sell at $15.40 at the end of September 2020. I took the opportunities to gradually creep up my stop loss from the original value of $11.11 to $17.08 – From

I am not known for my fast work and have tended to take the couch rather than make a decision in the past. However, in the spirit of incremental improvement, I didn’t wait till the end of the month and pounced on the sell button on the day that the A2M fell more than 10%, 28th September 2020.

Daily Price chart of The A2 Milk Company (A2M). Slack investor sold on the day news leaked out about insider selling on September 28 – From

I am not put off A2M forever. The end of month share price was $13.67. There is now a reasonable case for re-investing given the growth pathway beyond 2021 and the Market Screener , relatively low, 2023 predicted PE of 19. There has now been a downward trend of 3 months and Slack Investor’s favourite pattern has started to emerge … “The Wedgie”. If there is a break above “the Wedgie”, I will reinvest and hope the share price resumes an uptrend.

” … the secret to survivin’
is knowing what to throw away,
and knowing what to keep …”

Further … from The Gambler

Ooooh Kenny … the secret to investing is simple to describe, but harder to do … but you knew how to tell a good story!

October 2020 – End of Month Update

Slack Investor remains IN for Australian index shares, the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100. However, the US and UK charts are hovering close to their monthly stop losses.

The state of recent COVID-19 surges in Europe and the US seems to be worrying punters and monthly falls were recorded in these markets (S&P 500 -2.8%; FTSE 100 -4.9%). In Australia, the governments are handling the response to the virus in a constructive fashion and the ASX 200 rose 1.9%.

On the ASX 200 Index monthly chart, a new “Higher Low” was established and this gave me the opportunity to move up my monthly stop loss to 5763.

The US economy entered a recession in February 2020 and Slack Investor has his stop losses live for all Index funds.

All Index pages and charts  have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX IndexUK IndexUS Index).