Slack Investor has thought a lot about retirement – a lot!
Even though I liked most aspects of my jobs, the thought of doing what I want each day was most appealing. I read quite a few blogs on financial independence and they seem to fall into two main types. The “retire at 30” types and the “building of financial skills to gradually gain financial independence” types. Slack Investor is definitely in the latter camp and, without outside help, or big slabs of luck, I can’t really see a way of avoiding the 25-35 years of work to build up your funds before you then launch your retirement.
This post sets out with two of the building blocks to retirement – a home and some superannuation. You might be just starting your working life, or be in your forties and thinking … “Well, how do I get to my retirement from here?”
The recent Australian government Retirement Income Review emphasised that if your are renting in retirement then things are tough.
In retirement, renters have higher levels of financial stress. A significant proportion of retiree households that rent are in income poverty …”
The Australian Treasury Retirement income Review (2019)
Get a Roof
So take the advice of Flo Rida and Slack Investor and make it a big priority in your life to own a place to live. I know this seems like an impossibility to many as the cost of houses in Australia is eye -watering in the big cities. However, the place you want to own might be an apartment or, it doesn’t have to be in a capital city – it can be in one of the many fantastic regional towns!

When you have found a place that you could retire to, the next step is to get yourself into the property market by saving for a deposit and buying a place. There will now be 30 years of pain … and then you own it! But, at least you have borrowed money for a “hopefully” appreciating asset. Make sure that any property you buy makes good sense – Schools, Transport, Parks, Shops, etc.
Another way to do this is “rentvesting”. This an option where you rent your place to live near your work while your are buying a place that you might want to retire to one day. Rentvesting makes sense when the costs to rent a place is cheaper than the buying costs (Loan Interest/Rates/Stamp Duty, etc). While you are renting in a share house or apartment the extra rental income from the property you own, and tax incentives, will allow you to use any surplus funds to invest in a share portfolio. Rentvesting can also increase your borrowing power and hopefully get a better property – Just don’t over extend yourself.
Get some Super
According to Investblue, in 2018, as boomers are retiring, the average retirement super balance in Australia for men is $270,710, and for women $157,049. This is not really enough, but an “average couple” would have over $400000. Things should get better as compulsory super has only been with us since 1991 . Boomers have had many advantages during a period of rapidly increasing asset prices – but compulsory superannuation over their whole working life was not one of them.
If you are relatively healthy and own your home outright, the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) have estimated the annual retirement income required for a modest and comfortable lifestyle.

Using the average figures, there is a big gap between existing super saved and a comfortable lifestyle
80% of retirees fund their retirement years with a combination of superannuation and the age pension
Money Magazine June 2018
It is worth some study into how the pension and superannuation systems interact. The bare minimum to aim for is the “sweet spot” where under current rules, home owning couples can have $400000 in superannuation (singles $300000) and still qualify for the full government pension. Using this mix of super and the pension, when reaching the pension qualifying age of 67, a modest to comfortable retirement is possible under current rules.
Situation | Superannuation | Drawdown from Super @ 5% | Age Pension | Total Income |
Single Home-owner | $300,000 | $15,000 | $19,210 | $34,212 |
Couple Home-owner | $400,000 | $20,000 | $33,272 | $53,272 |
This “sweet spot” is our first “port of call” in super terms, and meant to demonstrate that if you own your own home and have a good chunk of super … then you are going to be OK in retirement.
Slack Investor hopes that you have got onto the idea of financial independence a bit earlier than aged 40. By starting to plan in your twenties or early thirties, you can aim to fund your own retirement … and, perhaps not wait until you are 67.
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