A few times a year, Slack Investor likes to take a snapshot of the markets using the Cyclically Adjusted Price to Earnings ratios (CAPE) – which use ten-year average inflation-adjusted earnings. He first started using CAPE as a ‘value’ tool in September 2021 and, the most recent post on Market Value was for the end of May 2024. That was 6 months ago and, probably due to the strange ‘Donald 2.0’ effect, the US and Australian markets have powered on since then.
There are some critics of CAPE as a predictive tool. However, there is some good research that links CAPE to future returns … and future returns are what Slack Investor is all about.

The CAPE (cyclically adjusted PE) ratio is not a useful timing signal for market turning points, but is a powerful predictor of long-term market returns.
Research Affiliates
For the following charts, Slack Investor uses monthly CAPE data from Barclays, the 40-yr mean is calculated and plotted together with the latest CAPE values – up till the end of November 2024. A ‘fair value’ zone is created in green where the CAPE is within one standard deviation of the mean (average) – click images for better resolution.
ASX 200 CAPE Value 23.0 (12% above long-term av.)

FTSE 100 CAPE Value 16.3 (7% below long-term av.)

S&P 500 CAPE Value 37.7 (52% above long-term av.)

What is Slack Investor doing about the high US market values?
Not much. The predictive skill of the Schiller CAPE is not very good over 1-yr and 5-yr periods. It does show some skill for periods of 10 years and longer. This poses the question – should he withdraw his investments and just wait out the next ten years? Not likely! Time in the market is what matters.
The CAPE ratio is a helpful way for Slack Investor to look at the current state of the markets – it doesn’t change his approach to investing. He will just stick to his guns with his tried and true investment strategy.
- Invest in a range of companies using ETF’s or a portfolio of at least 15 stocks.
- For the individual stocks, continually monitor these investments to make sure that they still have some competitive advantages (e.g. A Moat), generate sustainable profits, they are continuing to grow and predicted to grow further.
These type of companies should do OK over most market cycles.
Slack Greetings from the UK – an ode to English Pubs
Slack Investor is not really much of a cold season traveller but he is here in the UK for some family business. England in winter is pretty grim with short days and cold weather. However, there is joy in slipping into a great English pub with a fire going and conversation everywhere. Experience tells me that most English pubs are good. But, he wasn’t just in any pub – Slack Investor was drinking at the RAF bar of The Eagle in Cambridge. Famous for being the pub where Francis Crick and James Watson (based on the work of Rosalind Franklin and others) celebrated and announced the double helix structure of DNA in 1953. Long live the English Pub.

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