GOLD … Not for Slack Investor – and February 2025 – End of Month Update

Goldfinger, the Bond film from 1964, portrays a scene where a woman is covered in gold and dies from ‘skin suffocation’. Slack Investor notes that gold has had a good recent run and hopes that those involved with gold continue to prosper.

Is Gold Good?

A lot of people think so – and, it has performed well lately.

The price of gold exceeded US$2,900 an ounce last week for the first time. Since October 2023, it has risen by more than US$1,000 an ounce. The price is three times higher than it was a decade ago. – Tom Stevenson, Fidelity – Livewire, February 2025

Gold does well as a hedge against inflation and, in times of uncertainty. The chart over the past 10 years looks pretty good.

From Stockspot – Why you should consider gold in your super

Gold is also rare and, besides its valued use in jewellery and ornaments, it is an essential industrial metal for computers, communications equipment, spacecraft, and jet aircraft engines.

All of the gold discovered thus far would fit in a cube that is 23 meters wide on every side. U.S. Geological Survey

Chris Bryki from Stockspot argues that every investment portfolio should contain gold to even out portfolio performance in uncertain times. Stockspot have even increased their gold exposure, through the GlobalX GOLD ETF, to above 12% in their very successful personalised investment and super funds.

There is no doubt that gold has been successful during market crashes in the past – and it will decrease your portfolio volatility. But, usually, it can also drag the portfolio down when times are good in the markets. Unusually, since 2023, gold has increased greatly at the same time that stock markets have also done well. Something weird is going on!

Gold makes sense for investors that sleep better at night knowing that at least some part of their portfolio is going up during times of market stress. Gold might also help to avoid selling your investments during a downturn – when the shares are undervalued! You could sell the gold for income during a market crash.

Slack Investor has his own plan for these down times – the Stable Income pile.

Does Gold appeal to Slack Investor as an investment?

Firstly, gold would not get a guernsey in his Stable Income pile as it does not produce any income by itself.

Only a Goldsmith Knows the Value of Gold – Old Turkish Proverb

Despite the sound arguments for gold, Slack Investor just can’t bring himself to put gold in the Slack Portfolio – the Investment pile. The big problem he has, is that Slack Investor has no idea whether the current price for gold is a fair reflection of its value – it has had a big run lately – is it overvalued? At least when he is buying stocks, he can have a look at the company’s earnings and get an idea of whether the company is cheap, or expensive, by comparing its projected price to earnings (P/E) ratio.

This is Slack Investor’s difficulty with all non-income producing assets – these include precious metals, artworks and even cryptocurrency – there is no way to determine their actual value. The price of these speculative assets is only defined by what the next person will pay for them. So, none of these types of assets will appear in the Slack Investment Portfolio.

Slack Investor will continue to take his chances with stocks that are growing, predicted to grow further, and producing income. His investment portfolio will be more volatile for not having gold – but, it is the long-term performance that counts the most with Slack Investor.

Slack Investor hopes to never draw down on his investments in the lean years when his stocks are undervalued. He has his Stable Income pile (currently 22% of total retirement funds) to get him through the periods when his Investment pile might go negative. The Stable Income fund target is to earn a little above the inflation rate. The Slack Investment fund has more ambitious goals and the pursuit of growing stocks (without gold) might have more ups and downs – but, so far it’s working!

5-yr Return10-yr Return15-yr Return
Slack Investment Portfolio long-term annual compounding average returns. Pre-tax annual average returns till the end FY24.

February 2025 – End of month update

Slack Investor is IN for Australian index shares, the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100.

February has continued well for the UK Index, the FTSE 100 is up 1.6 %.

The S&P 500 (-1.4%) has had a bit of a pull back and the ASX 200 is down 4.2%, erasing its January gains.

All Index pages and charts have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX IndexUK IndexUS Index).

Tinkering with the Portfolio Part 1 – and January 2025 – End of Month Update

(Image Source – Cademix)

In the middle of 2024, Slack Investor had some cash from the sale of Altium (ALU) that needed investing. He had spread the amount into buying into some companies that he already had (TNE, CAR, SNL, NDQ, PME, TLX). He also brought in some new blood (WEB, MP1, NCK, RMD, JNDQ, BOT, RUL, DHHF). The new companies were picked because he hoped that they were in the ‘growing stage’ – to replace the growth superstar ALU.

As with most things, some have worked well – and some not so well. The real duds were associated with Webjet (WEB) and its subsequent spin-offs. He also dumped his small holding of Megaport (MP1) – but, he is now having a rethink about MP1. As the Slack Portfolio is fully invested at the moment, to buy something, he must first sell something.

BetaShares Diversified All Growth ETF (DHHF)

This was the last thing that Slack Investor bought on his 2024 buying spree and, to be honest, he didn’t look to0 deeply into it. Slack Investor was initially impressed by the simplicity of an All Growth ETF at a low management fee (0.19%). DHHF has done very well since purchase (+11%). The ETF is certainly diversified but, he is wondering whether the All Growth, as it says on the label, means that it is growing.

DHHF is a bundle of four low cost funds. The funds are:

The percentage allocation, on 24/01/2024, with the Management Expense Ratio (MER) of the underlying funds is shown below. Betashares have done a good job to ensure the underlying funds have very low fees (MER).

ETF% AllocationMER (%)

Slack Investor must admit to a misunderstanding when he bought DHHF – he thought All Growth meant he was buying a selection of growing companies. It is only when he read the accompanying Product Disclosure Statement that he realised that All Growth was in reference to the fund being almost 100% in growth assets (shares or property). They are using All Growth as a descriptor to investing style. The All Growth assets make this fund suitable for those who have a high tolerance for risk. Betashares recommend a holding period of at least 7 years.

Does Growth mean Growing?

Not necessarily. This can be confusing – it was for Slack Investor! He has been guilty of using these terms interchangeably. Growth can be used as an investment style description – indicating the asset mix and amount of risk. The more shares and property in the mix, the higher the risk (chance of negative returns). According to Investsmart, typical mixes for funds are:

  • High Growth: around 100% in shares or property.
  • Growth: around 85% in shares or property, and 15% in fixed interest or cash.
  • Balanced: around 70% in shares or property, and 30% in fixed interest and cash.
  • Conservative: around 30% in shares and property, and 70% in fixed interest and cash.
  • Cash: 100% in bank deposits or ‘capital guaranteed’ products.

Of course, Slack Investor should have fully read the DHHF PDS before his purchase – a rookie error! Because he also has a stable income portfolio, the ‘riskiness’ of DHHF didn’t bother Slack Investor. However, his favourite companies to fill the Slack Portfolio are those that are having earnings that are actually growing or, are projected to grow, at least 10%.

A big portion of DHHF consists of the ASX 200 (37.1%). Slack Investor owns a small holding of the Australian Index and, he acknowledges that it is a fantastic part of any income portfolio – as it is a great source of dividend imputation income. However, he has never really been a big fan of the ASX 200 in the growth-based (or, should I say, growing-based) Slack Portfolio.

The ASX 200 is a mixture of ‘Duds’ (shrinking companies, decreasing earnings), mature companies (companies in steady state – earning but not really growing) and, companies that are increasing earnings and actually growing.

In the ASX 200, seven of the top ten holdings are either banks or mining companies – these types of companies are not known for growing every year at above 10%. For example, the top ASX 200 holding is the Commonwealth Bank (CBA). According to the Market Screener site, CBA’s 2024 Earnings Per Share (EPS) growth was -4%. For 2025 and 2026, growth is projected to be 5% and then 4% p.a.

Slack Investor rates Betashares DHHF to be an excellent ETF for diversified share exposure at a relatively cheap cost. It definitely qualifies as High Growth as it consists of nearly 100% in shares or property. However, Slack Investor would rather concentrate on companies that are actually growing. He will sell DHHF and use the cash to buy something else.

January 2025 – End of month update

Slack Investor is IN for Australian index shares, the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100.

The new year has started well, particularly for the UK and Australia where, the FTSE 100 is up 6.1 %, and the ASX 200 up 4.6% in January.

The S&P 500 (+2.7%) is relatively subdued after the monster 25% gains of 2024.

All Index pages and charts have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX IndexUK IndexUS Index).

Long Term Returns … Boring?


Boring isn’t it. How Slack Investor goes on and on … and on and on … about long-term returns. But firstly, some short-term returns. All numbers are in for 2024 and the Slack followed markets all had an ‘above average’ year when dividends are included. The average returns are based upon the 2024 Vanguard Index chart 30-yr returns and, for the FTSE, the 20-yr return.

Index2024 Index Return2024 Total Return (inc. Div)Av. Yearly Total Return
ASX 2007.5%11.4%9.1%
FTSE 1005.7%9.7%6.9%
S&P 50023.3%25.0%11.1%

The beautiful histogram of annual ASX 200 (and proxies) returns (that include dividends) from has been updated for 2024. Slack Investor is always pleased with an addition on the positive side of the ledger – he notes that there are many more positive years than negative – this also helps his disposition.

Historical Annual Returns of the ASX 200 (including dividends) – Source:

A similar pattern with the S&P 500.

The last 151 years of annual returns (without dividends) for the S&P 500 Index – From

For both the S&P 500 and the ASX 200, 19% of calendar years delivered a negative return. Therefore, on average, we can expect a negative return for one in every five years.

2025 Predictions?

Slack Investor is no seer. The Financial Press has come up with a range of views for 2025. In a very 2025 move, Slack Investor asked the AI Bot Perplexity for its predictions for the S&P 500 for 2025.

Based on various Wall Street analysts’ predictions, the S&P 500 is expected to deliver positive returns in 2025, with estimates ranging from approximately 9% to 20%. – Perplexity

From experience, Slack Investor knows that the financial press predictions are not very good. Perplexity cautions that the past S&P 500 predictions have generally been inaccurate and unreliable.

Whatever 2025 brings, Slack Investor will take the short-term returns on the chin – he does rely on positive returns in the long-term. As the chart below indicates. If you held a World Index Fund such as Vanguard MSCI Index International Shares ETF (VGS) for 5 years, you would expect positive returns on 88% of occasions. Longer holding periods will almost certainly yield you positive returns. VGS has a relatively low management fee of o.18% and does not hold Australian shares.

Source: Firetrail from Firstlinks

Some say that long term investing is boring – but Slack Investor finds it exceptionally satisfying.

Intergenerational Wealth Transfer and December 2024 – End of Month Update

The incomparable cartoonist David Rowe capturing Donald Trump in the Australian Financial Review taking the Republican party for a swim in the sewer.

The Clown in Chief – Stable Genius? Great Investor?

Far be it for Slack Investor to disparage the wisdom of the majority of voting Americans that have just elected Donald Trump for four years as their president. Despite Trump declaring himself as a ‘stable genius’, my mother wisely used to say that ‘Self-praise is no recommendation’.

“I built what I built myself” – Donald Trump 

PolitiFact disputes the extent of this claim. There is no doubt that Donald’s path to being a billionaire was helped by intergenerational wealth transfer. Around 1974, his father lent him $140 million in today’s dollars – most of which was never paid back.

“Fred Trump actually lent him at least $60.7 million, or $140 million in today’s dollars.” – New York Times: Special Investigation

There is some contention on how much was available in ‘free cash’ but, if the available amount was invested in S&P 500 stocks in 1974, PolitiFact estimate that it would be worth at least $3 bil­lion today. Using different initial estimates, the National Journal estimates that passive investing in stocks could have enriched Donald by $US8 billion. So, it seems that Donald was destined to be a billionaire – whether investing in real estate – or the stock market.

“Bloomberg puts Trump’s current net worth at $2.9 billion, Forbes at $4.1 billion. The National Journal has worked out that if Trump had just put his father’s money in a mutual fund that tracked the S&P 500 and spent his career finger-painting, he’d have $8 billion.” – Source: National Journal

To further harp on about the miracle of compound interest , there are huge advantages in starting to invest at an early stage. The chart below contrasts the case of Investor 1 at age 25 and investing $5000 per year for 10 years – then stopping, and allowing the compounding interest to do its work. Investor 2 doesn’t start his investing quest till the age of 35, and invests $5000 per year for 30 years. He never catches up to Investor 1.

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis

Of course, Slack Investor is all about personal empowerment and the chart above rings the bell on starting your investment journey as soon as possible. In the journey of life, you may be one of the lucky ones to receive a gift or inheritance along the way – this advantage is huge! Slack Investor acknowledges his privilege and was given a gift from his grandfather’s estate equivalent to 30% of a year’s salary in his early thirties. The gift went straight on my mortgage.

This makes Slack Investor ponder about the help that a monetary gift can bring. Slack investor is all for self improvement, through education or travel. However, if given a gift of money, he would recommend, at least, using a good portion of it to reduce any debt – or invest. But do it now.

December 2024 – End of Month Update

OK, someone must have been naughty! The year closes and there was no December ‘Santa Rally’ this month. All followed markets fell. The ASX200 down 3.3%, the FTSE100 down 1.4%, and the S&P500 down 2.5%. Slack Investor remains IN for the FTSE100, the ASX200, and the US Index S&P500.

I haven’t yet done the maths on the market yearly gains that include dividends. In raw terms, for calendar year 2024, the ASX 200 was up 7.5%, the FTSE 100 up 5.7%, and the S&P 500 up 23.3%.

All Index pages and charts  have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX IndexUK IndexUS Index). The quarterly updates to the Slack Portfolio have also been completed.

Market Value – December 2024 Update

A few times a year, Slack Investor likes to take a snapshot of the markets using the Cyclically Adjusted Price to Earnings ratios (CAPE) – which use ten-year average inflation-adjusted earnings. He first started using CAPE as a ‘value’ tool in September 2021 and, the most recent post on Market Value was for the end of May 2024. That was 6 months ago and, probably due to the strange ‘Donald 2.0’ effect, the US and Australian markets have powered on since then.

There are some critics of CAPE as a predictive tool. However, there is some good research that links CAPE to future returns … and future returns are what Slack Investor is all about.

Shiller P/E and S&P 500 10-year annualised forward returns from 1983. There is a clear relationship between higher CAPE and lower expected 10-yr returns for the S&P 500. Data valid as of 31 December 2023 – Investco

The CAPE (cyclically adjusted PE) ratio is not a useful timing signal for market turning points, but is a powerful predictor of long-term market returns.

Research Affiliates

For the following charts, Slack Investor uses monthly CAPE data from Barclays, the 40-yr mean is calculated and plotted together with the latest CAPE values – up till the end of November 2024. A ‘fair value’ zone is created in green where the CAPE is within one standard deviation of the mean (average) – click images for better resolution.

ASX 200 CAPE Value 23.0 (12% above long-term av.)

ASX CAPE values – up till the end of November 2024

FTSE 100 CAPE Value 16.3 (7% below long-term av.)

UK CAPE values – up till the end of November 2024

S&P 500 CAPE Value 37.7 (52% above long-term av.)

US CAPE values – up till the end of November 2024

What is Slack Investor doing about the high US market values?

Not much. The predictive skill of the Schiller CAPE is not very good over 1-yr and 5-yr periods. It does show some skill for periods of 10 years and longer. This poses the question – should he withdraw his investments and just wait out the next ten years? Not likely! Time in the market is what matters.

The CAPE ratio is a helpful way for Slack Investor to look at the current state of the markets – it doesn’t change his approach to investing. He will just stick to his guns with his tried and true investment strategy.

  • Invest in a range of companies using ETF’s or a portfolio of at least 15 stocks.
  • For the individual stocks, continually monitor these investments to make sure that they still have some competitive advantages (e.g. A Moat), generate sustainable profits, they are continuing to grow and predicted to grow further.

These type of companies should do OK over most market cycles.

Slack Greetings from the UK – an ode to English Pubs

Slack Investor is not really much of a cold season traveller but he is here in the UK for some family business. England in winter is pretty grim with short days and cold weather. However, there is joy in slipping into a great English pub with a fire going and conversation everywhere. Experience tells me that most English pubs are good. But, he wasn’t just in any pub – Slack Investor was drinking at the RAF bar of The Eagle in Cambridge. Famous for being the pub where Francis Crick and James Watson (based on the work of Rosalind Franklin and others) celebrated and announced the double helix structure of DNA in 1953. Long live the English Pub.

The Eagle, Cambridge, UK. Long live the English Pub.

Money Makes Money – and November 2024 – End of Month Update

My Dad was an amateur finance bloke and would often spend the quiet hours of the night with a notebook and reading matter that would usually have the theme of unlocking great wealth for his family. One of his sayings was:

‘Money Makes Money’ – My Dad

We were from a large family and there were always sufficient ‘outgoings’ to make sure that my Dad never really got to test the theory on his own funds. But, he believed that if only he could amass a chunk of money, then this could be invested wisely and, it would keep on growing and, he would never have to worry about money, ever again!

He had seen many examples of the rich getting richer. People with money increasing their wealth in a seemingly effortless fashion e.g. A Sydney harbourside home bought for $10 million selling for $26 million four years later. He was also a fan of Noel Whitaker and bought one of the first editions (in 1987!) of Noel’s great book Making Money Made Simple. My Dad understood the simple truth of saving more than you earn, investing these savings and letting the compounding do its work over time. Although it takes more time than harbourside investing, Noel’s advice still holds up.

I have since learned that my Dad might have got the ‘money’ quote from Benjamin Franklin who, expresses the full beauty of the compound interest process.

“Money makes money. And the money that money makes, makes money.” – Benjamin Franklin 

So, it is not only the money that you invest, but all the earnings are earning too.

The one-eyed political investor

Let’s suppose you were such a committed US political investor that you only had funds in the market when ‘your president’ was in power – and, quickly withdrew your investments when the other team got in. Using 70 years of S&P 500 data shows that you might be better off if you were a Democratic investor. However, your gains would be tiny compared to the situation where you were more relaxed and just kept your money in the market – regardless of President. The lesson is, that time in the market is the key.

Investing in the US S&P 500 index from Jan 1953 to September 2024- Source Financial Synergies

It is time in the market that matters – not who you vote for!

The following pair of charts presents another way of looking at the effects of one-eyed political investing, either Democrat or Republican, over a 10-yr time frame and also, a 70-yr period. The time periods are different to the above chart and hence the different final dollar totals.

If you invested ONLY when your political party was in power, you would be much worse off.

Using S&P 500 and proxy data for 10 years and 50 years till December 2023 – Source: Steelpeak Wealth

Slack Investor has seen the shape of the green curve on the right hand side before. It echoes the hundreds of compound interest charts that I have looked at for inspiration. It starts flat and then rapidly increases with time.

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn’t, pays it.” – attributed to Albert Einstein

Let’s say you managed to save $10 000 per year and you invested the money with an average return of 10%.

The blue line indicates the value of investing $10 000 p.a. and, compounding over 30 years. The green circle is where your interest earnings start to exceed the amount of your own money invested – Source: A Wealth of Common Sense

The brown line shows savings of $10 000 p.a., for 30 years, amounting to $300 000 of your money. The grey line represents the total compound interest on your investments. For the first 15 years you think you are getting nowhere – then the compounding kicks in with the help of time – your money plus earnings on that money plus time. Using the above assumptions, the total accumulated amount would be over $1 660 000.

The 10% earnings seems a little wishful. Although, past 30-yr averages for US shares, International shares, Australian stocks and Australian Listed property are, respectively, 11.1%, 8.2%, 9.1%, 7.8%. If your investments averaged 8% p.a., the total value of your investments would be $1 233 449 – Not Bad! However, life is not really like an Excel spreadsheet.

Slack Investor’s case study of compounding

A real-life example of compounding returns can be found in Slack Investor’s own tracking of Net Worth. He has diligently tracked his Net Worth (Assets – Liabilities) for 34 years since 1990 using the free software Microsoft Money Sunset International Edition. There is no magic in this chart – except for the miracle of compounding! As a family, we achieved a savings rate (including superannuation) that varied between 20% and 45%p.a. of take home salaries. During this time we have had home loans and have always been investing.

Slack Investor’s (+Ms SI) Monthly Net Worth Chart over the 34 years of saving and investing since 1990 – Microsoft Money

Even though Slack Investor is familiar with the concept of compounding interest – he is continually astonished with the spectacular gains in net worth over the latter years.

My Dad was right … Money makes Money! Start saving and investing now and get on this ride!

November 2024 – End of month update

Slack Investor is IN for Australian index shares, the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100.

To Slack Investor’s bewilderment, in what can only be described as a ringing endorsement for Trump economic policies, the S&P 500 raged ahead by 5.7 % in November.

For the ASX 200 (+3.4%) and the FTSE 100 (+2.2%) – it has also been a great month.

Slack Investor feels it is time to tackle another valuation of the markets next post.

All Index pages and charts have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX IndexUK IndexUS Index).

Lessons in Going Down – and October 2024 – End of Month Update

Dramatic falls in a stock price … are not very nice. However, they are part of the game when investing in growth stocks. These falls usually come during reporting season. This is sometimes known as ‘confession season’.

ASX-listed companies are all required to report their earnings within two months of June 30 and December 31. The half-year reports are usually floated into the market during August and February – and this is the main time that the confessions come in. ASX companies can also give quarterly updates and, they are strictly bound by ‘Continuous Disclosure’. This is where they are obliged to promptly announce any new information that may affect the stock price.

Once an entity becomes aware of any information concerning it, that a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect on the price, or value of the entity’s securities, the entity must immediately tell ASX that information – ASX Continuous Disclosure Guide

When bad news comes in, there will be an announcement and there is usually a fall in stock price. Most of the time, bad news comes in the form of an earnings forecast not being met – an earnings downgrade. It is time for Slack Investor to get off the couch.

Slack Investor is not a ‘Day Trader’ and, also Slack! This means that he doesn’t get wind of a dramatic fall in one of my holdings till the end of the day. Sometimes it is even days after the event.

This gives him time to think about what to do next, and there are two schools of thought.

  1. Accept the loss and sell the stock to employ your funds elsewhere – as bad news often comes as a series.
  2. Reassess the numbers on the company and ask ‘Would you invest in this company today at the current price?

Experience tells Slack Investor that he is usually better off with option 1 – and investing the proceeds with a, hopefully, price increasing stock.

Recent Case Studies from the Slack Investor Rogue File

Megaport (MP1)

1-YR Chart Megaport – From Yahoo Finance

This was a sudden fall from grace as it was bought in August 2024. There was an earnings downgrade and it was an easy decision to get out – as no ‘love’ had been developed for the company. Slack Investor was wrong on his understanding of this companies earnings growth.

Webjet (WEB,WJL)

This is a complex one. Slack Investor recently bought Webjet (WEB) at around $9 on the basis of their fast growing internet business WebBeds – and its seemingly good projected numbers. In September 2024, Webjet went through a demerger that split the business into its retail Travel Agent (Webjet Group – WJL.ASX) and its global Business to Business booking site, mostly WebBeds, (WEB Travel Group – WEB.ASX). Webjet announced a profit warning on 14th October and the share price plummeted 35% in a day. Whoops!

1-YR Chart WEB Travel Group – From Yahoo Finance

Slack Investor planned to sell WJL, the retail travel agent part of the business (not a high growth sector), and keep the growing (+22% CAGR) demerged WebBeds (WEB). This might be a good business one day – but the big 35% drop spooked him and he sold them both for a combined price of $4.80. Ouch!

Codan (CDA)

5-YR Chart CODAN – From Yahoo Finance

Slack Investor thinks this is a good growing business but they had some revenue shortfalls that caused a 19% 1-day price drop in 2022. He probably should have got out then. However, he has grimly stuck with them and, after 2 years of falling stock prices, they seem to be on the right track. It remains in his portfolio.

Dicker Data (DDR)

5-YR Chart Dicker Data – From Yahoo Finance

After a 16% fall in a day in May 2024, Slack Investor reassessed the numbers on this stock – a projected 2026 PE of 16 and an ROE of 39%. The numbers looked pretty good – and he held on. However, the last two years of revenue growth have been 2% and 4% respectively. Slack Investor is not sure what is going on … but this company has not been growing. He sold at $8.69 this week.

Taking a loss … and moving on

This is a real skill – that doesn’t come easily – but is essential for managing a portfolio of growth stocks. Slack Investor is better at this than he used to be. Usually, growth stocks will come with a high Price/Earnings ratio as the future earnings growth will be factored into the price of the stock. These type of companies are particularly susceptible to a rapid decline in price when bad news emerges that might affect future earnings.

  “Some people automatically sell the ‘winners‘— stocks that go up— and hold on to their ‘losers‘— stocks that go down— which is about as sensible as pulling out the flowers and watering the weeds” – Peter Lynch – One Up On Wall Street

Slack Investor tries to adhere to the Peter Lynch philosophy when tending to his garden of stocks. He doesn’t always get these decisions right – but he does find it ‘cleansing’ to get rid of the bad performers. With experience, he has found that, more often than not, if there is a dramatic 1–2 day fall in a stock price (>15%) – it often takes a while to recover! Slack Investor is usually happy to take the loss and move his funds elsewhere. There is ‘opportunity cost’ in staying with a stock that is going nowhere.

Despite these bad performers, he doesn’t beat himself up about them. It is just part of investing. He takes solace that his whole portfolio is up about 8% in the 4 months of this financial year – and he does have good long-term results.

With the money raised from selling the dud investments, he bought into quality earnings with half the proceeds topping up his Supply Network (SNL) holding. The rest went into a new stock that he has been watching for a while – the logistics software business WiseTech (WTC).

The company had a price drop over a saucy scandal involving the founder and CEO Richard White. He resigned and Slack Investor is betting that these private-life dalliances should not interrupt the fine profitability (ROE 2026 20%) and established revenue growth (1-yr 2024 CAGR 20%) of this great Australian company.

1-YR Chart WiseTech Global – From Yahoo Finance

October 2024 – End of Month Update

Slack Investor is IN for Australian index shares, the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100.

All markets drifted down slightly. As many of the big market crashes have occurred in September and October, Slack Investor is always relieved to get past this time of year.

For October, the ASX 200 (-1.3%), the FTSE 100 (-1.5%) and the S&P 500 (-1.0%).

All Index pages and charts have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX IndexUK IndexUS Index).

Auto-Diversification … and September 2024 – End of Month Update

Slack Investor tries to be a little diversified in his investing with his Three Pile Theory. Although my Investment Pile (The Slack Fund) consists mostly of Australian and International Shares, my Stable Pile (about 30% of retirement funds) consists of annuities, Real Estate ETFs, Fixed Interest products, some high dividend paying shares and some Cash. I own no bonds, Gold or Cryptocurrency. I am not very strict about rebalancing … but, that’s because I am slack! Deep down however, I’m convinced that diversification makes good financial sense.

A quick look at the yearly Vanguard diversification table below shows the percentage annual total returns for 9 different asset classes. I have only shown the last 17 years, but the 30-yr table can be found here in .pdf form.

Total returns for each asset class for the 30 years since 1992 – Check out the full 30-yr glory of the Vanguard 2024 – Importance of Diversification.pdf – Click this chart for better resolution.

For financial year 2024, the best performers were: Australian listed property returned 24.6%, US shares 24.1% and hedged ($AU) International shares 21.5%. The point of the Vanguard table is to highlight that it is very hard to try and predict the yearly winner. Slack Investor notes that International shares (particularly the US) have featured in the top 3 for a lot of these last 17 years. He also notes that Cash is a rare top performer – but, well done for 2022! It is always useful to have a look at the Vanguard Long Term Investing chart for a reminder of the compounding power of share investing.



All of your Super contributions end up in a fund that is diversified to some extent. You usually can decide on how diversified you want it to be. For example, Australian Super offers, in their pre-mixed options: High Growth, Balanced, Socially Aware, Indexed Diversified, Conservative Balanced and Stable offerings. Even their High Growth option is split into a number of different asset classes – though their ranges seem a little ‘loose’ for full disclosure to their clients.

Australian Super ‘High Growth’ Pre-Mixed asset allocation by weight – June 2024

Slack Investor’s instincts has always been to be invested with the highest growth option … though I did reassess this a few years before retirement!

Other Investments

OK then, super is taken care of … but what if you want a diversified option for other investments that could be assured long-term growth without constant input. This is where robo advice might shine. Robo advisors usually package a mixture of low cost ETF’s into a diversified portfolio with automatic re-balancing.

Slack Investor is aware of many robo advisers that operate in Australia. ValueWalk has prepared an excellent summary article. Valuewalk compares and reviews: CommSec Pocket, Spaceship Voyager, Betashares Direct, Raiz, Sharesies, Pearler, Stockspot and InvestSMART.

Just for example, I will expand on the offerings of Stockspot as they have been going the longest and have the most assets under management ($800m). I have no financial interest in the company – though I am impressed with their results – outperforming 98% of similar funds over a 5-yr period. Depending on the risk profile that you want, Stockspot uses various combinations of just 5 low-cost ETF’s – one of which is gold.

There is a sliding scale management fee for which all admin and rebalancing is taken care of. For example, for account balances of $200,000+, there is an annual fee of 0.528% per year.

When Slack Investor loses the ability to stock pick growth stocks effectively (or, perish the thought … shuffles off this mortal coil!), I will set up some succession plans that will move our investments onto a secure ‘minimal involvement’ platform such as robo advice.

Slack Investor is old fashioned when it comes to ETF ownership. I much prefer the robo advisers that run under the HIN system (Holder Identification Number) – where the ETF’s are registered in your own name. This makes things simple if the robo adviser should cease operations e.g. Six Park (Aust).

The alternative is the ‘custodial’ system – where the investments are held on your behalf. Although custodial models can have lower costs – I like to see my name on the ownership documents. Stockspot is one of the advisers that run under the HIN system.

Although Slack Investor is a great believer in finding out about financial things for yourself with the magic of the internet. This way is not for everyone. Let’s just be clear, for most people, if you want specific advice on wealth management, tax advice, estate planning or a multitude of other finance problems, you are best counselled to seek a qualified financial adviser.

However, if you have a lump of money that you want invested in a diversified way that suits your risk profile, then robo advice seem a relatively cost-efficient way to ensure your investments are spread across asset classes. Naturally, Slack Investor would like the fees charged by robo advisors to come down a little before he parts with his Slack funds.

September 2024 – End of Month Update

Another month with a big range of daily closing values. The ASX 200 (+2.2%) and the S&P 500 (+2.0%) are in all time high territory. The FTSE 100 languishing and down 1.7% for the month.

Slack Investor remains IN for all markets.

The recent strength of the US market has pushed the closing monthly value to more than 15% above my old stop loss. I adjusted the stop loss upwards to a new ‘higher low’ of 5119.

Weekly chart for the S&P 500 Index showing the stop loss revised upwards to the new “higher low” of 5119.

All Index pages and charts  have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX IndexUK IndexUS Index).

The quarterly updates showing the shares in the Slack Portfolio have also been completed.

No Guru, No Method, No Teacher – and August 2024 – End of Month Update

Van Morrison’s 1986 album No Guru, No Method, No Teacher – One of his best. Try a meditative sample – In the Garden

Van Morrison is said to have echoed the thoughts of Jiddu Krishnamurti when naming this great album back in 1986 – after 38 years, it still stands up!

“…there is no teacher, no pupil; there is no leader; there is no guru; there is no Master, no Saviour. You yourself are the teacher and the pupil; you are the Master; you are the guru; you are the leader; you are everything.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti, Indian Philosopher (1895 – 1986)

At the time, Van was influenced by his teachings and, in an Eighties interview, Van said I feel the meaning of Krishnamurti for our time is that one has to think for oneself” . This is just the way that Slack Investor feels about the whole world of finance – and one of the defining reasons for this blog.

The ultimate aim for Slack Investor readers is to fund your own retirement, but for most Australians, there is still work to do. The latest available ATO statistics (FY2021) indicate that the median superannuation balances for ages 65-69 are $213,986 (Male) and $201,233 (Female).

According to the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) estimates – the minimum Superannuation balances required to achieve a comfortable retirement are set out below – and these figures rely on a couple of big assumptions. You need to own your own home and have access to the aged pension, or part-pension, to make this sum work.

ASFA Minimum superannuation required for a comfortable retirement (Assumptions: Own Home and Aged pension assistance)

To retire independently (i.e. no government aged pension), a greater lump sum would be required! Things are slowly getting better with recent increases in compulsory superannuation. By 2050, the expected percentage of “comfortable retirees” should be 50%. This is outlook shows promise – but there is a need for more Australians to take action for themselves – Right Now!

Currently, (only) around 30 per cent of couples and singles reach or exceed the ASFA Comfortable Standard (in retirement savings) – ASFA Update – November 2023

No Guru

Slack Investor is no guru, the steps to financial independence are no secret – and are set out by many well known financial educators. There are so many great resources, for example: Rask, Aussie Firebug, Equity Mates, Making Money Made Simple, Strong Money Australia. For a step by step guide, nobody does it better than The Barefoot Investor. Buy his book, or try the The Barefoot Steps or, read Rask Media – The Journey to Financial Independence.

Slack Investor would add to this wonderful guidance:

  • Educate Yourself in the ways of finance – The internet and financial independence books are your friend here. No-one will represent your interests better than you
  • Take charge of your Own Financial Independence – Ride Your Own Bike
  • Automate your savings – Into superannuation and your own investments – What you don’t see, you wont spend
  • Your Savings Rate is a very important number – my savings rate while working and raising a family fluctuated between 20% and 45%. Far more heroic rates are documented by F.I.R.E. enthusiasts e.g. Strong Money Australia – this will accelerate your journey
  • Have a plan to buy your own place to live
  • Pay full attention to fees for financial services
  • Let time be your partner in long-term investing – start as early as you can.

The Slack Investor path was more of a climb up a cobbled street than a path. It involved lots of different strategies. Trying to maximise my superannuation contributions, buying a house to live in, using home equity to gear into individual stocks and ETF’s. In the last 10 years, I have been trying to invest mostly in growth stocks, without too much trading. This has been a good fit for my temperament.

Long term Investing

The real business is to be invested at least somewhere in appreciating assets – and let time do its work. Below is an extract from the Vanguard 2024 long-term investing chart. The numbers on the right are the results of investing $10,000 in the Index funds of the indicated asset classes for 30 years. It is Slack Investors favourite chart.

Extract from the 2024 Vanguard Index chart (Just the 2007-2024 portion is shown) – the dollar values on the right are the results of investing $10,000 in index funds in each asset class for 30 years (since July 1994). – Check out the full 30-year glory of the Vanguard 2024.PDF chart – Click image for better resolution of this portion.

August 2024 – End of Month Update

Slack Investor is IN for Australian index shares, the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100.

The S&P 500 (+2.3) continues its enthusiastic progress. Slack Investor is pleased to go with the flow but remains nervous for the US markets.

For the ASX 200 (+0.0%) and the FTSE 100 (0.1%) – things have ended up dead flat. Although, all markets have shown a lot of variation this month.

All Index pages and charts have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX IndexUK IndexUS Index).

Financial Year 2024 Full Slack Results

“… nearly all the grandest discoveries of science have been but the rewards of accurate measurement and patient long-continued labour in the minute sifting of numerical results.

Lord Kelvin (a.k.a. William Thompson) – Eminent 19th Century Scientist
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Like Lord Kelvin, Slack Investor likes to measure things. FY 2024 was another good year for share owners. In the world markets, the FTSE 100 Total Return Index was up 11.4% (last FY up 7.8%). Dividends helped the Australian Accumulation Index to be up 12.2% for the financial year (last FY +10.6%). The S&P 500 Total Return Index is again the top performer – and was up 24.2% (last FY +19.7%) for the same period. All of these Total Return Indices include any accumulated dividends.

Slack Investor has stuck to his strategy of investing with growing companies that have an established earnings record and forward P/E ratios <50 (Mostly!). I expect a bit of volatility in my (mostly “growth”) investment portfolio and I am reassured that, despite the odd negative year in the Slack Investment Portfolio , the dividends and the Stable Income portfolio are doing what they should and keeping Slack Investor with enough cash to “keep the wheels on” the Slack lifestyle.

Slack Portfolio Results FY 2024

All Performance results are before tax. The Slack Portfolio is Slack Investor’s investment portfolio and, due to some lucky stock selections (e.g. ALU and PME both doubled in value FY2024), this was my “best ever” year. I’m glad to report an annual FY 2024 performance of +39.4%. Full yearly results with Australian benchmarks are shown in the table below. However, the portfolio performance in the first 6 weeks of this new FY has brought me back to Earth. Slack Investor realises that only long term results really count.

For property values, Slack Investor is using the Total Return values supplied by CoreLogic. The Total Return is calculated from value change as well as the gross rental yield. I would have preferred calculations that include the net rental yield, but this will have to do. The Total Return is a more realistic figure when comparing real estate returns to stock market total returns, as it treats both asset classes as investments with income coming from rent/dividends.

Although it is hard to match US market growth this year (+24.2%). The Australian Share market Total Return Index (ASX200 Acc) was up 12.2%. The Vanguard Diversified Growth ETF (VDGR), comprising International shares (42%) and Australian Shares (28%), increasing by 11.4%. Inflation is again above Reserve Bank target – with the CPI at +3.8%. The readily available Cash rate of 4.0% has edged above inflation for the first time in 4 years. Cash is important but not a way to grow your investments.

Yearly Performance (%) results since 2010

The Slack Fund yearly Internal Rate of Return (IRR) vs BENCHMARKS. The Median Balanced Fund (41-60% Growth Assets)Vanguard Growth FundASX 200 Accumulation IndexCorelogic Residential Property Home Value (Total Return) Index in both Brisbane and Melbourne, and Cash (Australian Super Cash Fund) and Consumer Price Index (CPI)

5-yr Average Annual Performance

Although I collect yearly figures, the 5 and 10-year compound annual performance gives me a much better idea about how things are really going. Long term results will smooth out any dud (or remarkable!) yearly figures. The Slack Fund is still ahead of most Benchmarks – but running “neck and neck” with Brisbane Residential real estate over a five-year period.

Slack Investor 5-year compound annual rate of return – compared to benchmarks Click for better resolution.

Growth of a $10000 Investment Since 2009

The beauty of compounding with a succession of good performance results can be seen in the chart below showing the growth of an initial investment in June 2009 of $10000.

The rate of growth of $10000 invested by Slack Investor in FY 2009 – compared to benchmarks – Click for better resolution.

Slack Fund has exceeded my expectations. Also, the chart shows that investing in either shares or residential property has been a solid way of growing your money over the long term.

10-year compound annual rate of return

The Slack Fund has been around a while and, I am generating some good long term data (10-year compound “rolling” annual rate of return). Over this time frame, the Slack Fund has been performing very well. A 10-year annual rate of return of over 15% – Go Slack Fund! The 10-yr data is shown below in chart and table form.

It is useful to note that, the 10-yr rates of return of the Median Balanced Fund, Vanguard Growth fund, ASX200, and residential property in Brisbane and Melbourne are also great long term investments. These appreciating assets generate a 10-year compound annual rate of return of 6-9% p.a.

From the figures below, although Cash can add stability to a portfolio, Cash as a long term investment, is a poor choice.

The Slack Fund average 10-yr compound yearly return vs BENCHMARKS. The Median Balanced Fund (41-60% Growth Assets)Vanguard Growth FundASX 200 Accumulation IndexCorelogic Residential Property Home Value (Total Return) Index in both Brisbane and Melbourne, and Cash (Australian Super Cash Fund) and Consumer Price Index (CPI)

2019 15.6 8.0 n/a 10.0 5.8 8.5 2.9
2020 15.9 7.0 n/a 7.8 5.5 7.3 2.6
2021 17.9 7.4 n/a 9.3 7.5 8.3 2.2
2022 15.2 7.1 8.1 9.3 9.9 8.7 1.8
2023 14.4 6.4 7.4 8.2 8.6 7.6 1.7
202415.7 5.8 7.2 7.7 9.0 6.4 1.8

The Slack Fund average 10-yr compound yearly return vs BENCHMARKS in table form.