Always Watching

Photograph: Elle Hunt/The Observer

Slack Investor is not known for his fast work … and have often taken the couch when action was probably needed. There are some stocks that I will hold for the long run, and their weekly charts are not of big concern to me. However, about half of my portfolio is on a weekly watch – I review the charts on a weekend and cast the Slack Investor jaundiced gaze over each stock that I own (Thanks Incredible Charts!)

“You can observe a lot by watching”

Yogi Berra – American Baseball Legend and Master of Tautology

I do have some routines though …


This is the least satisfying timescale and, if I could successfully train myself to ignore this daily oscillation of my investments – I would. The reason to avoid daily swings of the share price is that I have absolutely no idea about whether the price of a stock or index will go up or down on the next day – the share price is determined by others! In the chart below, in the first 7 days shown, the daily index went down, down, up, down, down, up, up, etc – monitoring daily prices can be frustrating!

ASX 200 Daily “Candlestick Chart” showing 6 months of index values since January 1 ,2021. The Red candles show a day when the value went down, and the Blue candles indicate a day when the index price went up.

I have to admit that I follow my investments every few days through a portfolio in Yahoo Finance and will download prices to my accounting software – the free Microsoft Money Sunset International Edition available at the most excellent Ameridan’s Blog. I download share prices into Microsoft Money with MS Money Quotes with a 10 USD lifetime licence. In the USA, Personal Capital is  recommended. 

I am happy to say that, when on holiday, or busy, I have no need to monitor on the daily timescale. Regardless, no decisions are made on this daily basis.


Weekly is where the “rubber hits the road” for Slack Investor – and I look forward to my weekly sessions with my portfolio. I set aside an hour on the weekend to make sure my portfolio prices are updated and the charts are reviewed. The weekly time scale smooths out a bit of the volatility and I then open up Incredible Charts to scroll through my portfolio.

Incredible charts offer a free month sign up and then $9.95 per month for access to worldwide updated delayed charts daily from 6pm Australian time. This package is not in “real time” and does not suit a day trader. But for an investor on my slower time scale, it is very good value. These charts open up the whole world of technical analysis as it allows you to monitor trends in your stocks and mark in trend lines and stop losses.

I have always used the weekly charts to make decisions on buying a company – looking for a momentum shift in the trading using the Directional Movement System. I also like to trade a “breakout”, or a “wedgie”


This is the timescale when I am most happiest and would like to make decisions just every month. After a life of work where decisions were a constant grind – It is a gift not to make decisions!

It is still my aim to make selling decisions monthly – but things seem a little precarious lately and, for now, I am on a weekly decisions cycle for selling. The sell happens when a stock price finishes below my stop loss at the end of the week/month (see Technical Sell below).


This is the “Look at yourself in the mirror” period where Slack Investor does the evaluation of his portfolio performance against benchmarks at the end of each financial year. Although the financial year ends at June 30, it usually takes until the middle of August for me to get my final results and benchmarks together. I present my results at the annual Financial Year Results post.

Special Occasions Selling

Slack Investor is in one of those right now and he has to free up some cash to by selling some shares. I like to do things a bit methodically and here is my process for a sell.

Technical Sell

This is my first port of call. Technical Analysis uses charts and trends and I have been watching the charts for the past 4 weeks for a technical sell signal in my portfolio. For me, this happens when the stock price falls below the pre-determined stop loss that I have set. I will then try to sell at the start of the next week/month. My rules are not rigid here, if the stock starts to rebound after I have made my sell decision, I might stick with it for a little while longer.

Another technical signal is when a stock loses its momentum – but this is a more subjective signal than when a stock simply moves below a line.

Slack Investor bought into ESPO in October 2020 at $10.39 and sold this week at a small loss $10.19. The stock didn’t grow like I thought it would – but that’s fine. I like the concept of this ETF but I am happy to be out for now and look forward to be getting back in when a strong upward trend establishes itself.

I was also able to exit on a technical sell for the Betashares ASIA ETF and I am not sure what is going on here as I thought the tailwinds for this sector were good. Small profit this time and will get back in if the trend changes.

Weekly chart for the VanEck ESPO ETF showing a breach of the stop loss – Incredible Charts.

Fundamental Sell

Fundamental Analysis revolves around trying to determine the real value of a stock by looking at its financial data (e.g, Price/Earnings ratio, Return on Equity, Debt, etc) over time and, in reference to its competitors. This is a much more complicated process.

If Slack Investor can’t find a technical sell, I look for a fundamental sign. I will list all of my sellable stocks (Shares that I don’t hold for “the long run“). The first step is to get some financial data on each company from the very good Market Screener then put them in a table and hope that something stands out as a sell. A sell signal might be a trend of falling earnings, increasing debt, or decreasing Return on Equity (ROE). I also get nervous about a stock if its predicted (+ 2 years) Price Earnings (PE) ratio goes over 50. Fortunately, I didn’t have to resort to any fundamental analysis this this time … and this approach probably needs a post in itself.

In the meantime, like my pumpkin friend … always watching …

Euphoria … and April 2021 – End of Month Update

People, Football, Footballers, Group, Team Sport

“Bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism and die on euphoria.”

Sir John Templeton

John Templeton (1912 – 2008) was a great investor, fund manager and philanthropist. He is best known for setting up the Templeton Growth Fund which averaged returns of over 15% per year for 38 years. Slack Investor salutes this kind of behaviour and listens when great investors say something. If Mr Templeton is right, this game should be pretty easy and we wait till the “Euphoria” sets in and the we sell … Right?

Well, according to the CitiGroup Panic and Euphoria Index , which looks at sentiment in the market back to 1950. The section from 1987 through to the start of 2021 is shown below – Euphoria is already well and truly established by December 2020. However, most markets have gone up considerably further since then!

Source: Haver Analytics, Pinnacle Data, and Citi Research – – Click image for better resolution

This is a bit of a complex chart, and the grey solid columns represent the return from the US Stock market for the next 12 months (forward return) and the Magenta line is the Citibank Euphoria Index which tracks market sentiment.

Visually, it looks like whenever the Euphoria Index (LHS – Magenta) goes to a high value, there is a downturn in the next 12-month return (RHS – Grey). Citibank have defined a range (Blue Lines) where the market is operating “normally” and outline areas of Euphoria and Panic when the market is beyond that range. According to Citibank, we are in a period of Euphoria and the prospect of good returns in the next 12 months looks bleak. The Chief Economist from Citigroup, Tobias Lekovich, suggests that there is a “100% historical probability of down markets in the next 12 months at current levels.” – that proclamation was made 5 months ago.

Another Slack Investor hero, Warren Buffet, talks about the ratio of total United States stock market valuation to US Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This is now known as the “Buffet Indicator” – and, although he admits to its limitations, it still is “the best single measure of where valuations stand at any given moment. At April 22, 2021 the Buffett Indicator is calculated to be 234% – the highest value since 1950. In contrast, the Australian market using this indicator is either “fair valued” or “modestly overvalued”

From Current Market Valuation – The Buffett Indicator is the ratio of total US stock market valuation to GDP – Click image for better resolution

By our calculation (the US Stock Market) that is currently 88% (or about 2.9 standard deviations) above the historical average, suggesting that the market is Strongly Overvalued

Current Market Valuation

There are a lot of current examples of “investor exuberance” in the stock markets – particularly in the US. There is no doubt that the pricing of some companies has got well out of hand. The earnings of a company are critical when I look at my investments.

Another risk is that pockets of the market at the moment appear to be speculative bubbles. You can easily tally about US$5 trillion of assets, from cryptocurrencies to Tesla, that are not underpinned by any fundamental earnings. They’re speculation. And if these bubbles were to pop, that could drag down a wider range of investments.

Hamish Douglas, Magellan Financial Group – Livewire Interview

There are a group of companies that I like that I have no intention of selling – because they have a good track record of increasing earnings and there future prospects look good – no matter what the market does in the short term. There is also about 40% my portfolio in stocks where I am not so sure of their long term prospects. It is these stocks that I will be watching closely at the end of every week and have set stop losses that will indicate to me that I should sell if the price falls below the stop loss.

Slack Investor is happy to go along for the ride and has no real faith in his prediction ability. Sure, stocks are at extreme valuations but these are very unusual times. Interest rates are very low and there has been an unprecedented amount of government spending to keep economies going along.

Still on the couch, I don’t feel euphoria … but I feel OK … I have a plan.

April 2021 – End of Month Update

Despite the “exuberance”, Slack Investor is still on the wave and remains IN for Australian index shares, the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100. All Slack Investor followed markets this month had strong rises (ASX 200 +3.5%; FTSE 100 +3.8%; S&P 500 +5.3%).

In these uncertain times, especially with the high prices on the US market, I am monitoring my index funds weekly and if, at the end of the week my Index funds are below the stop loss, then I will put a post on the blog and sell at the next opportunity. All Stop Losses are Live.

All Index pages and charts  have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX IndexUK IndexUS Index).

Two Very Important Numbers

There are many numbers to note in finance world – Fees, Investment returns, etc. However, there are two extremely important numbers when it comes to financial independence. Both are percentages and the first one is the 4% “rule of thumb” and the second is your savings rate.

The 4% Rule

All followers of finance blogs would have heard of this often quoted “rule” Slack Investor acknowledges that this magic number is arguable and depends on individual circumstances but, it is an excellent way to estimate how much you will need to retire. The 4% rule is a way to “roughly” link assets with income. For example, as an estimate, if you would like to generate a $40 000 yearly income, you would need to have investments assets of $1 000 000 to earn this income using the 4% rule (4% of $1 000 000 = $40 000).

Another way of looking at this 4% rule is that you need to save 25 x your annual spending for your retirement fund so it can generate an income to cover your spending. So, if you spend $30 000 a year, you need a portfolio of $750 000 (25 x $30 000). To get an idea about what your expenses are it is important that you track them over a year using a spreadsheet or finance software. If necessary, this investment income can always be supplemented by a government pension or a part-time job.

Bill Bengen originally came up with this “4% safe withdrawal rate” in 1994. He developed it by backtesting a conservative US portfolio with data dating back to 1920 and tried to get a safe withdrawal rate that would generate an income for at least 30 years. He is the first to admit that the 4% number was always treated too simplistically and has since updated the rate to be closer to 4.5%.

Slack Investor is a bit old fashioned in liking to hold on to most of the capital that is earning the money and has a flexible approach to how much to extract from investments each year. In a good year for the stock markets, I am happy to dig deep into the investments pile – using dividends, distributions and even some capital gains as income. When the market performs poorly, it is more complicated and I have to dip into my stable income pile. Most of the Slack fund is in Australian Investments and in 2021, the Australian Index has a 12-month forward dividend yield of 3.5% . Hopefully, the shares will also increase in value over time. Over the past 10 years, Australian shares had a total return of almost 7% – with growth shares you can aim higher, but prepare for volatility. In the good years, I will also take out a bit of capital gain for extra spending. All of this is in addition to the stable income component of my investments.

Your Savings Rate

“Wealth consists not in having great possessions but in having few wants.”


Using the 4% rule we estimate how much will give us a sustainable retirement. But there is another number to add to our arsenal.

Just as in Lord of the Rings there is ” one ring to rule them all…”, there is also one “percentage” to rule them all in the Financial Independence world – and that is the Savings Rate percentage.

The annual expenses is critical here as this is the figure you are trying to generate out of investment income. Lets have a look at the effect that savings rate has on the number of years that you have to work until you can sustainably generate your expenses from your investments. The table below is from the great financial blogger Mr Money Mustache. There are a few assumptions used to generate this table

Here’s how many years you will have to work for a range of possible savings rates, starting from a net worth of zero:

At a saving rate of 10% you will have to work for over 50 years – we have to do better than that! There are some pretty heroic savings rates amongst financial bloggers e.g Aussie Firebug 61%; Dividends Down Under 61%; I have admiration for these savings rates and note that these bloggers are in a hurry to get to financial independence – and retire early. At 60% savings you can retire after 12.5 years of working and saving – but that sounds pretty hard.

Slack Investor was on a much slower train and lucky that he quite enjoyed his job – and didn’t mind spending 30 years saving for his retirement. I have always been a good saver but, when looking at my past savings rates, it was usually around the 30-40% level and, some years had dropped down to 20%. Raising a family and holidays are a delightful interference with savings and you just have to find a balance. In Australia, we have compulsory superannuation which currently adds a welcome 9.5 % to your savings rate.

A beautifully presented calculator at Networthify shows how the savings rate works and gives a yearly breakdown. It also shows some interesting OECD statistics for average National savings rates (e.g. The US 6%, and India 32%). The aim is to eventually save enough money to invest in a way that you average (at least) 5% return on your investments after infation. If you withdraw from this retirement pool at the rate of 4% and have enough to cover 100% of your expenses – you become financially independent – the retirement pool keeps on giving!

Automate your savings

One of the best financial habits that I formed was to take the thinking out of saving and set up automatic recurring transfers from my work money to my savings or investment accounts – Pay Yourself First. I also took full advantage of “concessional contributions” to my super account which were taxed at 15% rather than my then marginal rate of 37%.

So, automate your savings. Investment returns are important and we hope that we can exceed the 5% after inflation returns that the above table and 4% rule are based on. However, the number you have most control over is your savings rate – and that is most important.

Household Comfort … and March 2021 – End of Month Update

The couch seems to be looking good for some, but not for others. ME Bank have updated the annual Household Financial Comfort Index that surveys 1,500 Australians every year to get an idea of how Australia is travelling in a money sense. Slack Investor was surprised at the research results which revealed that over the past six months, to December 2020, the “financial comfort” of Australian households has reached a record high of 5.89 out of 10. This index is 5% higher than before COVID-19! However, it is full-time workers that report the highest financial comfort across the workforce.

The changes in the Household Financial Comfort Index since 2012 (Scores out of 10) – ME Household Financial Comfort Report 2020

The high financial comfort can probably be linked with some households going into “savings mode” as the uncertainty caused by COVID-19 on the economy, and the very high levels of government support.

Although, not everyone feels the same after a year of COVID-19. About 30% of households said that their financial situation has worsened. Clubs, pubs, gyms, air transport, restaurants, education, and the creative arts were hit particularly hard – with the cohorts of casual workers and adults under 24 shouldering the burden of Coronavirus disproportionally.

Household Response to the Pandemic

The main method that households used to ease the financial burden during COVID 19 (Columns %) and the line showing level of financial comfort associated with each method – ME Household Financial Comfort Report 2020

The main ways that households chose to ease the effects of the pandemic were 1. Dipping into savings (14%); 2. JobKeeper payments (Govt. wage subsidy) (11%); 3. Superannuation withdrawal (9%); 4. Delaying bills (7%). With JobKeeper payments having now ended, the raid on super halted, and the other main methods likely exhausted, it looks like a tipping point is approaching.

“And, at $90 billion, (JobKeeper) it’s the single largest economic support program that any Australia government has ever undertaken.”

Australian Treasurer Josh Frydenberg – ABC News

The Australian government’s massive JobKeeper program ending is likely to cause a big rupture in the economy with many small businesses who have, till now, been just “hanging on “. Many of these businesses are likely to cease trading. For employees, Treasury estimates that up to 150,000 workers will move from JobKeeper into unemployment.

Financial Cushion

With tough times ahead, there will be many who would wish for a financial cushion. Slack Investor has often banged on about the need for an emergency fund of cash that will help when one of life’s inevitable bits of bad new turns up. In December 2020, about one in five households reported virtually no, or very low, amounts of cash savings (<$1000).

How much in cash savings does your household currently hold – including savings accounts, term deposits and offset accounts? – ME Household Financial Comfort Report 2020

As for the pandemic effect on retirement savings, the reality of individual super balances is starting to bite with the report revealing that only around 18% of households expect to fund retirement with their own superannuation and 42% expecting to use both private savings and the government pension.

“Financial comfort levels are up for now, but many households
are on the cliff’s edge. They’ve lost income, their jobs and entire
livelihoods, their wafer-thin savings buffer is dwindling, and government support is the main action stopping them from falling over.”

Household Financial Comfort Report – 2020 ME Bank survey

March 2021 – End of Month Update

Slack Investor remains IN for Australian index shares, the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100. All Slack Investor followed markets this month had solid rises (ASX 200 +1.8%; FTSE 100 +3.5%; S&P 500 +4.2%).

In these uncertain times, especially with the high prices on the US market, I am monitoring my index funds weekly and if, at the end of the week my Index funds are below the stop loss, then I will put a post on the blog and sell at the next opportunity. All Stop Losses are Live.

All Index pages and charts  have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX IndexUK IndexUS Index). The quarterly updates to the Slack Portfolio have also been completed.

Colin Nicholson – A Great Australian Investor … and February 2021 – End of Month Update

I have a few people that have greatly influenced my investing life – One such figure is Colin Nicholson. I have never met him, but he has taught me a vast amount through his long running website “Building Wealth Through Shares” (

This great Australian investor Colin Nicholson, has been investing for over 50 years and documenting his adventures with shares since 2001 on his site. Colin has only stopped actively contributing at the end of 2019. Fortunately, this website is still running and his knowledge and experience keeps on giving. As well as education material on technical and fundamental analysis, he often discusses the psychology necessary to be a successful investor.

We tend to have an impulse to snatch profits quickly and to let losses run, hoping things will come good if we hold on. This natural impulse is the exact opposite to what a successful investor must do.

Colin Nicholson

Colin started when financial blogs were in their infancy and Australian contributors were rare. Colin is a private investor, an author, and educator. He has been contributing to his site for over 20 years and answered hundreds of questions from other investors. His site is an incredibly detailed knowledge base covering all aspects of owning a share portfolio. His Investing – Twelve Key Lessons is essential reading to anyone thinking of entering this fascinating world. His results over a 20-yr period are very impressive. Colin has retired from active contributions to his website but has hinted that he would maintain his website for the education of future investors.

There are countless bits of wisdom as Colin relentlessly tackles investment according to a defined, well-tested, and logical plan. No matter what the investing subject, search his site, and Colin Nicholson will offer some useful and reasoned discussion.

The source of most frustration in investors is that they are expecting the impossible. They want to sell at the top. I repeat that it simply cannot be done except by sheer luck.

Colin Nicholson – Take Profits or Wait for the Stop-Loss?

My first introduction to his site was through his meticulous documentation on how he calculated his end of financial year performance returns. Year after year he would list his portfolio and investment returns.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ColNichReturn.png
Colin Nicholson’s documented returns over 20 years comparing his returns(red) and the ASX 200 accumulation index (green). A 12.01% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is very impressive over a 20-yr period and has enabled Colin to have a hopefully financially carefree retirement.

… I do not wish to advise people or to manage their money. Rather, my focus is on my own investments and passing on what I have learned to others.

Colin Nicholson

In addition to his website and public speaking, Colin has also authored Building Wealth in the Stock Market and Think Like the Great Investors. Like another of Slack Investor heroes, Warren Buffet, Colin has a plan for “retirement mode” and intends to become more passive with his investments and half of his portfolio is now in LICs and index funds.

I am not retired – I am a full-time investor

Colin Nicholson

Colin Nicholson, Slack Investor salutes you for your enormous contribution to my investment life and for helping countless others with your education materials and your disciplined and methodical approach to investing in shares. Dive deep and long into and you will be a better investor.

February 2021 – End of Month Update

Slack Investor remains IN for Australian index shares, the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100.

When having a look at the end of month charts, I noticed that all index trackers were well above their stop losses (>16%). My Mum (and Kath and Kim) would say that she could “feel it in her waters” when she had a premonition about something. My index rules allow the end of month stock price to be up to 20% above the stop loss. However, in a tip of the hat to Mr Nicholson, who is far more disciplined than Slack Investor in the investing arts, some action this month. As “new highs” have been established, I decided that now wouldn’t be a bad time to adjust the stop loss levels upwards.

I place my stops below the low of the last trough in the uptrend and move it up to just under the next trough every time a new high is made for the trend.

Colin Nicholson
Weekly Chart of the ASX 200 Index –

For February 2021, there were falls in the growth oriented Slack Portfolio due to rising long-term bond yields. But stock prices have always fluctuated above or below a “fair price” – for one reason or another. Slack Investor is still on the couch.

Tech stocks are susceptible to rising yields because their value rests most heavily on future earnings, which get discounted more negatively when bond yields go up.

From The Bull

Despite the end of month sell off, there were modest rises in all followed index funds (ASX 200 +1. 0%, S&P 500 +2.6%, and the FTSE 100 +1.2%). All Index pages and charts  have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX IndexUK IndexUS Index).

SMSF is it a superpower OR Kryptonite? … and January 2021 – End of Month Update

Image from Finfit Wealth Solutions

Slack Investor hasn’t written much about Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF’s) despite his love affair with his own fund. SMSF’s are only found in Australia and represent a “hands on” way to accumulate, nurture, and eventually release your super funds as a pension or lump sum. They have the same status as a normal retail or industry super fund (e.g. Australian Super) but they are “self managed” and give the trustees (members of the fund) power over where the fund is invested. This control is a double edged sword, as it is also possible to destroy your super wealth with a SMSF by making unwise investments.

SMSF’s offer

  • Control
  • Flexibility in investments – But this can be dangerous!
  • Estate Planning and Taxation advantages

There are nearly 600,000 SMSFs in Australia with over a million member (March 2020). Although this represents less than 5% of Australia’s population, about 25% of the $2.7 trillion invested in superannuation is invested in SMSF’s. The average member balance for an SMSF was a whopping $678,621 (ATO Data 2018).

It is possible to structure an SMSF so that the investment fees are very low. A surprising finding from a SuperConcepts study was that the average annual expense ratio for SMSF’s was 2.8% for the  over 20000 funds surveyed. This seems particularly high when compared to the Slack Investor SMSF portfolio expense ratio of 0.12%  through a “no advice” online SMSF services provider like e-superfund. This suggests that most of the funds surveyed used the relatively high cost route of engaging an accountant to administer the fund. There are many SMSF providers – Slack Investor uses e-superfund which provides the legal structure and web-based audits and education. The yearly operating expenses are an amazingly low $999. The SMSF is so integral to Slack Investor’s strategy that I have set aside an SMSF page on the Slack Investor site – Alas, there is not much on there yet … but it will come!

Rainmaker are producing monthly comparisons of SMSF’s with the larger low cost My Super products offered by Industry and Retail Super Funds. The analysis can be found on their Superguard360 site.

A comparison of the Asset mix of SMSF funds (left column) with MySuper funds – From Superguard360

SMSF funds (above left) traditionally hold more cash, property and less international shares than the larger Industry/Retail funds (My Super – above right). SMSF’s have outperformed MySuper since the GFC (see below, SMSF’s Blue line, My Super Red block). However, with the recovery of equities, the MySuper funds have been catching up and as at June 2017, 10-year returns from both types of funds are near identical at 4.2%. Under current asset allocations, the more diversified Industry and retail funds should overtake SMSF performance – on average.

Comparison of how SMSF’s (Blue Line) have done , on average, against the default My Super Fund Index (Red Block) – From Superguard360

Self Managed Super is NOT for Everyone

“… That a little knowledge is apt to puff up, and make men giddy, but a greater share of it will set them right, and bring them to low and humble thoughts of themselves.”

From an anonymous author, published in 1698 as The Mystery of Phanaticism

Running a SMSF takes time and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone that doesn’t want to be fully engaged with their financial future. Luckily, Slack Investor finds the whole finance and ATO compliance scene most interesting. Trustees of SMSF’s are held responsible for compliance with super and tax laws and there are many other risks in running a SMSF fund. A long term study of SMSF data by SuperConcepts, “When Size Matters” found that that SMSF’s below $200000 in total funds generally underperformed. However, the larger SMSF’s were comparable in performance with industry funds.

Over 10 years, there’s hardly any difference between the performance of not-for-profit funds, such as industry funds, and DIY (SMSF) funds.

SMH article (2017) summarising Rainmaker data from the ATO

Despite how well an SMSF style really suits Slack Investor – The large majority of people should not get into an SMSF – but stick with a good performing Industry Fund. Unless you are justifiably confident in your investing abilities, most people will be better of with a well diversified industry fund for long-term Super performance. It is always better to “have low and humble thoughts of ourselves” – it is too easy to destroy the value of your hard earned super.

January 2021 – End of Month Update

Slack Investor remains IN for Australian index shares, the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100.

Some tested COVID-19 vaccinations have started to be rolled out internationally – but uncertainty prevails. Slack Investor followed markets all fluctuated but, overall, remained pretty flat this month. For January 2021, the Australian ASX 200 rose 0.3%, the S&P 500 fell 1.1%, and the FTSE 100 down 0.8%.

All Index pages and charts  have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX IndexUK IndexUS Index).

Golden Triangle of Happiness … and December 2020 – End of Month Update

After just going through a Christmas period where, in these COVID-19 times, I was lucky enough to spend time with some family – I was struck with an unusual contentment. It is easy to get bogged down with the day to day challenges of life, but Slack Investor occasionally gets self reflective and has long realised that he is a happy bloke. This state is much sought after and it often doesn’t naturally happen. A recent publication that has lodged in my tiny brain is the Australian Wellbeing Index. This research has been conducted twice a year over the last 15 years and involves more than 60,000 participants.

Personal wellbeing appears to increase with age, with some of the happiest Australians aged 65 and over.

Australian Wellbeing Index – 2019 Joint Research between Deakin University and Australian Unity.

The latest instalment of one of Australia’s largest wellbeing surveys has found that, besides genetics, there are three simple indicators of a happy life. Financial security, a sense of purpose in life, and good personal relationships make up the “golden triangle” of happiness. The full report can be found here.


Financial Security

This is really what this blog posts mostly about – so I wont expand too much here. But if you feel that you are in control of your money then you can avoid many of the financial stresses. While having money does not make you happy, if you don’t have any, it can make you miserable. Not surprisingly, the survey found that the feeling of wellbeing gradually rises for household earnings up to about $100,000 a year. Surprisingly, earnings over this point found the relationship between happiness and wealth drops off dramatically.


… the people who fared the best were the people who leaned into relationships, with family, with friends, with community,”

Dr. Robert Waldinger , Harvard University

We are humans and (mostly) social creatures – a sharing of your life and having someone who cares about you makes you feel better about yourself. A Harvard study that has been going for 80 years found that people who are more socially connected to family, friends, or community are “happier, they’re physically healthier and they live longer than people who are less well connected,” 

“It doesn’t need to be a sexual relationship, but it needs to be an emotionally intimate relationship where you can share troubles and sorrows and joys,”

Prof Bob Cummins, Deakin University

Sense of Purpose

Something to do … your get up in the morning and you have a project, part time job, volunteering, exercise, a hobby – but it is something! People are happier when they are active.

But, beyond the “golden triangle” of happiness, there are other approaches – Rather than take on each corner of the triangle, just try to just make little micro changes to your life – Perhaps a little more exercise, or contact an old friend …

An older friend once pointed out to me that we were lucky enough to have choices with our lives. He stressed our limited life span and suggested I make a list of the things that I really liked doing – and then try to engineer my life to maximise these good things and then minimise the other, less enjoyable. but necessary stuff. When you collect all the moments that make you happy … you might just … be happy!

Spend more time with people you like, get outdoors a bit more, listen to some music, have some new experiences, help other people …

“Happiness thinker” Professor Paul Dolan

December 2020 – End of Month Update

Slack Investor remains IN for Australian index shares, the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100. All Slack Investor followed overseas markets this month had rises (ASX 200 +1.1%; FTSE 100 +3.1%; S&P 500 +3.7%).

I still remain nervous about the US market with its high valuations. The closing value of the S&P 500 (3756) is now 18% above the current stop loss at 3200. If the margin gets to 20% (UPR LIMIT 3840)), then I will find a place to move my stop loss upward. In these uncertain times, I will monitor my index funds weekly and if, at the end of the week my Index funds are below the stop loss, then I will put a post on the blog and sell at the next opportunity. All Stop Losses are Live.

S&P 500 Monthly chart December31 2020- From

All Index pages and charts  have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX IndexUK IndexUS Index). The quarterly updates to the Slack Portfolio have also been completed.

Hits and Misses … and November 2020 – End of Month Update

Back in happier times, September 2019, the Mayfair 101 business founder, James Mawhinney. His skills are described by Mayfair as “generating substantial value for shareholders”. Sadly for investors, the signature Mayfair 101 investment in Dunk Island has now fallen through due to Mayfair being “unable to meet their obligations”– Original image from the Courier Mail

Mayfair 101 bites the dust

It may take some years, but this Mayfair 101 thing … it’s not going to end well for the punters!

Slack Investor – November 2019

It has now been 12 months since Slack Investor warned about investing in the highly promoted glitzy “alternative to term deposits” Mayfair 101. I urged any investors to get their money out while they could. Things have now gone pear-shaped for participants in Mr Mawhinney’s vehicles – as well as the Dunk Island resort repossession, one of Mayfair 101’s three main investment products, IPO wealth, has had its investor’s money frozen.

I take no solace in being right as many small and large investors have since been hurt by the appointment of receivers to Mayfair 101’s $86 million IPO Wealth fund. ASIC alleges that the money raised by the Mayfair group was not fully secured, and investors may be unable to recover the full amount of their principal investment.

According to The Guardian, Mayfair 101 had received more than $67.5m from investors but, by 1 July, had just $2,765 in the bank and that investor’s money was “used to fund a loan that was not adequately secured”. They were unable to come up with the $32m that would have completed the purchase of Dunk Island. ASIC feared the fundraising was “akin to arrangements colloquially referred to as a ‘Ponzi scheme’.”

A year ago there were full page ads in the AFR, full of glowing self praise as the “new face of investment” In investing, it pays to be wary of big announcements, “management speak” and things that sound too good to be true … trust the nostrils!

“[Mayfair Platinum CEO, James Mawhinney, is] an experienced business builder who is focused on creating win-win outcomes for investors, clients, suppliers and staff

A quote from Mayfair (sourced from )from the golden days of Mayfair 101 … but perhaps win-lose might be more appropriate. I am hoping that investors can get a decent portion of their capital returned.

Bitcoin again

Bitcoin chart (USD) since 2014 – From Coindesk

This would be objectively classified as a miss by Slack Investor – the bitcoin price is now higher than when I initially talked about bitcoin as a “bubble” at around $7000 USD. Despite the rocketing bitcoin price, the Slack Investor view has not changed and it is not the type of investment that appeals to me. Bitcoin is a speculative investment that depends entirely on what the next buyer is willing to pay for it.

Bitcoin is the dominant cryptocurrency (Etherium, Ripple, Litecoin, etc) that uses the potentially useful blockchain technology to monitor transactions. The Guardian points out that bitcoin is not a true currency as it not widely accepted as legal tender, the transaction costs are not small (it costs between 3 and 6 USD per transaction) and, it does not have a relatively stable value that would help vendors in setting prices. Central banks and Facebook have outlined plans for their own digital currencies that would be in competition with existing cryptocurrencies.

There is also a high energy cost in the “mining” of bitcoin. The current “Proof of Work” algorithm requires 215 kw/h of electricity to produce each bitcoin – the equivalent of an average US home energy consumption for a week.

Slack Investor holds no regrets about not buying in. He will stick with investing in growing real companies that produce tangible things that people want. An investment should be something that has a real monetary or social value, regardless of whether someone wants to buy it from you.

My assessment in 2017 that bitcoin is a casino investment still holds. Well done to anyone that has made money with bitcoin. In the same way that I will always congratulate someone who has made money on a bizarre sports bet – or who has won money on 5 reds in a row in roulette table – but, it is not investing, it is not for me.

November 2020 – End of Month Update

Slack Investor remains IN for Australian index shares, the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100.

During a time when world COVID-19 related deaths are 8866 per day and there are 54.9m cases confirmed globally – the stock markets have gone a little crazy . It is a good demonstration of how difficult it is to predict short-term stock market movement. Slack Investor followed markets all grew by more than 10% this month. For November 2020, the Australian ASX 200 rose 10.0%, the S&P 500 up 10.8%, and the FTSE 100 up 12.4%.

All it took was a US election and some good vaccine news.

“Most Americans who want to be vaccinated will be able to do so by April or May next year”

Dr. Anthony Fauci  – from CNN

On the FTSE 100 Index a new “Higher Low” was established and this gave me the opportunity to move up my monthly stop loss to 5525 – see Monthly UK Index chart.

The US economy entered a recession in February 2020 and still in uncertain times, Slack Investor has his stop losses live for all Index funds.

All Index pages and charts  have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX IndexUK IndexUS Index).

Know when to Fold’em … and October 2020 – End of Month Update

“He said, “If you’re gonna play the game, boy
You gotta learn to play it right …

You’ve got to know when to hold ’em
Know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run

Excerpt from “The Gambler” written by Don Schlitz and recorded by  Kenny Rogers.

Kenny makes this sound easy, but selling shares is tricky and Slack Investor does not always get this decision right – and I’m OK with that. The Slack Investor art is just to attempt to get things “mostly right”. There are some stocks that I will hold for the long run, and their weekly and monthly charts are not of a big concern to me. However, about half of my portfolio is on a weekly or monthly watch – I review the Incredible Charts output for each of these stocks on the weekend or at the end of the month.

I pay particular attention when the stock price falls below my stop loss on the monthly chart. In hindsight, I should have been more alert back in August. A2M is a good company with a unique product and has shown excellent growth in the last 5 years. However, earnings season is always a bit volatile for the growth sector.

The FY20 results showed a record profit but there were some question marks about FY21. The real catalyst for a downward price move was the later release of an acquisition and that members of the board and senior executive team had sold over 1.8 million shares. Selling by insiders is not always bad, as the executives might just be diversifying their portfolios – However, in this case, the market took a dim view. Overall, the A2 Milk Company Ltd (ASX: A2M) share price has slumped more than 15% since the release of its FY21 outlook.

Monthly Price chart of The A2 Milk Company (A2M) showing a buy in at $11.66 in January 2019 and a sell at $15.40 at the end of September 2020. I took the opportunities to gradually creep up my stop loss from the original value of $11.11 to $17.08 – From

I am not known for my fast work and have tended to take the couch rather than make a decision in the past. However, in the spirit of incremental improvement, I didn’t wait till the end of the month and pounced on the sell button on the day that the A2M fell more than 10%, 28th September 2020.

Daily Price chart of The A2 Milk Company (A2M). Slack investor sold on the day news leaked out about insider selling on September 28 – From

I am not put off A2M forever. The end of month share price was $13.67. There is now a reasonable case for re-investing given the growth pathway beyond 2021 and the Market Screener , relatively low, 2023 predicted PE of 19. There has now been a downward trend of 3 months and Slack Investor’s favourite pattern has started to emerge … “The Wedgie”. If there is a break above “the Wedgie”, I will reinvest and hope the share price resumes an uptrend.

” … the secret to survivin’
is knowing what to throw away,
and knowing what to keep …”

Further … from The Gambler

Ooooh Kenny … the secret to investing is simple to describe, but harder to do … but you knew how to tell a good story!

October 2020 – End of Month Update

Slack Investor remains IN for Australian index shares, the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100. However, the US and UK charts are hovering close to their monthly stop losses.

The state of recent COVID-19 surges in Europe and the US seems to be worrying punters and monthly falls were recorded in these markets (S&P 500 -2.8%; FTSE 100 -4.9%). In Australia, the governments are handling the response to the virus in a constructive fashion and the ASX 200 rose 1.9%.

On the ASX 200 Index monthly chart, a new “Higher Low” was established and this gave me the opportunity to move up my monthly stop loss to 5763.

The US economy entered a recession in February 2020 and Slack Investor has his stop losses live for all Index funds.

All Index pages and charts  have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX IndexUK IndexUS Index).

Tales from the Bizarrro World and September 2020 – End of Month Update

Bizarro World

Back in the last century when I was a big fan of Superman, DC Comics released a specialty series called “Tales from the Bizarro World”. Bizarro World was a square planet inhabited by imperfect copies of earth dwellers and they do the opposite of all earthly things. Little did I know that I would be living in Bizarro World in 2020.

As of last month, every advanced economy and all emerging economies are in a recession. Unemployment rates have increased rapidly and, due to COVID-19, over a third of the world has been in lockdown. Yet, in the worlds largest economy, on the day the US fell into recession in February, the S&P 500 overcame the COVID crash and rose above where it began the year!

Some governments are going through heroic efforts to inject cash into these flailing economies with some unforeseen results.

In this Bizarro Universe, with empty CBD’s and flourishing suburban strips, Australian retailer Harvey Norman reports its sales for July to September were up 30.6% on the previous year.

“People can’t spend their money on other things anymore, so they are spending time upgrading their home,” he said. “And that’s happening right across the world.”

“There’s also been so much money thrown into these economies, and because they can’t spend it [elsewhere], we’re getting the advantage of that. We’re in a very fortunate position.”

Gerry Harvey, founder of Harvey Norman – from the Sydney Morning Herald

It is not only furniture, but food expenditure has also increased in the 12 months to June 2020. Naturally, there has been reduced spending in lockdown crushed areas like health, transport, restaurants and accommodation.

Quarterly changes in Household Spending for the 12 months to June 2020 – From Auscap Asset Management – Click to Enlarge

It is probably due to fear about the future, but these troubled times have also modified the savings behaviour of Australians. In June 2020, credit card debt has been reduced by 20% (still $22.4bn though!). Savings as a percentage of income have increased from the paltry long term average of 5% to 20%.

Australian quarterly savings have rocketed up From Auscap Asset Management – Click to Enlarge

But there is also evidence of increased spending. Australians were recently given the chance to access up to $20000 of their retirement savings. In an illion survey of 10000 people, almost two-thirds (64%) of this additional spending was on discretionary items such as clothing, furniture, restaurants and alcohol.

In July 2020, the 2nd tranche of government stimulus and early access super caused big changes in household weekly expenditure. Although the actual dollar amounts were not reported, looking at bank data from 250 000 Australian consumers, the biggest spending changes were found in the allocation to Online Gambling (+95%) and Food Delivery (+342%)!

“Financial comfort levels are up for now, but many households
are on the cliff’s edge. They’ve lost income, their jobs and entire
livelihoods, … and government support is the main action stopping them from falling over.”

ME Bank Household financial comfort report 2020

Slack Investor feels that things are precarious in Bizarro World – government spending is just holding things together. As of July 2020, according to the AFR, the Australian government has spent 10.6% of GDP on COVID-19 stimulus (+1.6% Loans). In the UK it is 3.1% (+15.7% Loans) and the US 6.9% (+4.2% Loans). This spending will not go on for ever and the Bizarro World party may end badly for households that, through the lottery of occupation, are stressed.

September 2020 – End of Month Update

Slack Investor remains IN for Australian index shares, the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100. All Slack Investor followed overseas markets this month slumped (ASX 200 -4.0%; FTSE 100 -1.6%; S&P 500 -3.9%).

I am very nervous about the US market with its high valuations, forthcoming election and, what pushed me over the edge, was the beautifully described “S*%tshow” of a debate. Slack Investor has had to act and adjust his Stop loss for the S&P 500.

When pushing up stop loss levels, it is always about finding a sensible place to leave the level at a “higher low”. I couldn’t really find one on the monthly or weekly chart. The Daily chart below revealed a higher low of 3200 in July 2020 that wasn’t breached in late September. So this is my new stop loss.

Daily chart for the S&P 500 – From

In the real world, the US economy entered a recession in February 2020 and Slack Investor has his stop losses live for all Index funds.

All Index pages and charts  have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX IndexUK IndexUS Index). The quarterly updates to the Slack Portfolio have also been attended to.