Goldfinger, the Bond film from 1964, portrays a scene where a woman is covered in gold and dies from ‘skin suffocation’. Slack Investor notes that gold has had a good recent run and hopes that those involved with gold continue to prosper.
Is Gold Good?
A lot of people think so – and, it has performed well lately.
The price of gold exceeded US$2,900 an ounce last week for the first time. Since October 2023, it has risen by more than US$1,000 an ounce. The price is three times higher than it was a decade ago. – Tom Stevenson, Fidelity – Livewire, February 2025
Gold does well as a hedge against inflation and, in times of uncertainty. The chart over the past 10 years looks pretty good.
There is no doubt that gold has been successful during market crashes in the past – and it will decrease your portfolio volatility. But, usually, it can also drag the portfolio down when times are good in the markets. Unusually, since 2023, gold has increased greatly at the same time that stock markets have also done well. Something weird is going on!
Gold makes sense for investors that sleep better at night knowing that at least some part of their portfolio is going up during times of market stress. Gold might also help to avoid selling your investments during a downturn – when the shares are undervalued! You could sell the gold for income during a market crash.
Slack Investor has his own plan for these down times – the Stable Income pile.
Does Gold appeal to Slack Investor as an investment?
Firstly, gold would not get a guernsey in his Stable Income pile as it does not produce any income by itself.
Only a Goldsmith Knows the Value of Gold – Old Turkish Proverb
Despite the sound arguments for gold, Slack Investor just can’t bring himself to put gold in the Slack Portfolio – the Investment pile. The big problem he has, is that Slack Investor has no idea whether the current price for gold is a fair reflection of its value – it has had a big run lately – is it overvalued? At least when he is buying stocks, he can have a look at the company’s earnings and get an idea of whether the company is cheap, or expensive, by comparing its projected price to earnings (P/E) ratio.
This is Slack Investor’s difficulty with all non-income producing assets – these include precious metals, artworks and even cryptocurrency – there is no way to determine their actual value. The price of these speculative assets is only defined by what the next person will pay for them. So, none of these types of assets will appear in the Slack Investment Portfolio.
Slack Investor will continue to take his chances with stocks that are growing, predicted to grow further, and producing income. His investment portfolio will be more volatile for not having gold – but, it is the long-term performance that counts the most with Slack Investor.
Slack Investor hopes to never draw down on his investments in the lean years when his stocks are undervalued. He has his Stable Income pile (currently 22% of total retirement funds) to get him through the periods when his Investment pile might go negative. The Stable Income fund target is to earn a little above the inflation rate. The Slack Investment fund has more ambitious goals and the pursuit of growing stocks (without gold) might have more ups and downs – but, so far it’s working!
5-yr Return
10-yr Return
15-yr Return
Slack Investment Portfolio long-term annual compounding average returns. Pre-tax annual average returns till the end FY24.
February 2025 – End of month update
Slack Investor is IN for Australian index shares, the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100.
February has continued well for the UK Index, the FTSE 100 is up 1.6 %.
The S&P 500 (-1.4%) has had a bit of a pull back and the ASX 200 is down 4.2%, erasing its January gains.
All Index pages and charts have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX Index, UK Index, US Index).
“… nearly all the grandest discoveries of science have been but the rewards of accurate measurement and patient long-continued labour in the minute sifting of numerical results.”
Like Lord Kelvin, Slack Investor likes to measure things. FY 2024 was another good year for share owners. In the world markets, the FTSE 100 Total Return Index was up 11.4% (last FY up 7.8%). Dividends helped the Australian Accumulation Index to be up 12.2% for the financial year (last FY +10.6%). The S&P 500 Total Return Index is again the top performer – and was up 24.2% (last FY +19.7%) for the same period. All of these Total Return Indices include any accumulated dividends.
Slack Investor has stuck to his strategy of investing with growing companies that have an established earnings record and forward P/E ratios <50 (Mostly!). I expect a bit of volatility in my (mostly “growth”) investment portfolio and I am reassured that, despite the odd negative year in the Slack Investment Portfolio , the dividends and the Stable Income portfolio are doing what they should and keeping Slack Investor with enough cash to “keep the wheels on” the Slack lifestyle.
Slack Portfolio Results FY 2024
All Performance results are before tax. The Slack Portfolio is Slack Investor’s investment portfolio and, due to some lucky stock selections (e.g. ALU and PME both doubled in value FY2024), this was my “best ever” year. I’m glad to report an annual FY 2024 performance of +39.4%. Full yearly results with Australian benchmarks are shown in the table below. However, the portfolio performance in the first 6 weeks of this new FY has brought me back to Earth. Slack Investor realises that only long term results really count.
For property values, Slack Investor is using the Total Return values supplied by CoreLogic. The Total Return is calculated from value change as well as the gross rental yield. I would have preferred calculations that include the net rental yield, but this will have to do. The Total Return is a more realistic figure when comparing real estate returns to stock market total returns, as it treats both asset classes as investments with income coming from rent/dividends.
Although it is hard to match US market growth this year (+24.2%). The Australian Share market Total Return Index (ASX200 Acc) was up 12.2%. The Vanguard Diversified Growth ETF (VDGR), comprising International shares (42%) and Australian Shares (28%), increasing by 11.4%. Inflation is again above Reserve Bank target – with the CPI at +3.8%. The readily available Cash rate of 4.0% has edged above inflation for the first time in 4 years. Cash is important but not a way to grow your investments.
Although I collect yearly figures, the 5 and 10-year compound annual performance gives me a much better idea about how things are really going. Long term results will smooth out any dud (or remarkable!) yearly figures. The Slack Fund is still ahead of most Benchmarks – but running “neck and neck” with Brisbane Residential real estate over a five-year period.
Slack Investor 5-year compound annual rate of return – compared to benchmarks – Click for better resolution.
Growth of a $10000 Investment Since 2009
The beauty of compounding with a succession of good performance results can be seen in the chart below showing the growth of an initial investment in June 2009 of $10000.
The rate of growth of $10000 invested by Slack Investor in FY 2009 – compared to benchmarks – Click for better resolution.
Slack Fund has exceeded my expectations. Also, the chart shows that investing in either shares or residential property has been a solid way of growing your money over the long term.
10-year compound annual rate of return
The Slack Fund has been around a while and, I am generating some good long term data (10-year compound “rolling” annual rate of return). Over this time frame, the Slack Fund has been performing very well. A 10-year annual rate of return of over 15% – Go Slack Fund! The 10-yr data is shown below in chart and table form.
It is useful to note that, the 10-yr rates of return of the Median Balanced Fund, Vanguard Growth fund, ASX200, and residential property in Brisbane and Melbourne are also great long term investments. These appreciating assets generate a 10-year compound annual rate of return of 6-9% p.a.
From the figures below, although Cash can add stability to a portfolio, Cash as a long term investment, is a poor choice.
The percentage yearly returns quoted in this post include costs (brokerage) but, the returns are before tax. This raw figure can then be compared with other investment returns. I use the incredibly useful Market Screener to analyze the financial data from each company and extract the predicted 2o26 Price/Earnings (PE) Ratio and Return on Equity (ROE). This excellent site allows free access (up to a daily limit) to their analyst’s data, on the financials tab for each stock, once you register with an email address.
Slack Investor Stinkers – FY 2024
Financial year 2024 was generally a “boomer”. All of Slack Investors followed markets (Australia, the UK and the US) have had a pretty solid year … especially the US! However, Slack Investor knows that stinkers are a part of the game, even in good years – and managed to attach himself to a few stinkers along the way.
Global X Battery Tech & Lithium ETF (ACDC) -15%
(ACDC –2024: PE 11, Yield 3.0%) I have owned this ETF for 3 years now – and I think I might have fallen for the “Theme Dream”. Despite some early promise in the “sexy” sector of electric cars and lithium batteries, this ETF has started to disappoint. There has been a string of bad news in the electric vehicle sector with an oversupply of vehicles. Both the EU and the US have slapped large tariffs on the Chinese EV exports – this has further slowed demand. Slack Investor is just holding on and has set a stop loss at $82. Current price is about $83, so I am very close to selling – and moving on.
Coles Group (COL) -8% (Mostly sold Nov 2023)
(COL – Forecast 2026: PE 19, ROE 32%) Coles is where I often buy my groceries and I like the idea that you can regularly inspect your holdings. However, Coles Group are profitable but not really growing. This company does not really belong in my investments pile, so I mostly sold this holding. I might buy some for my stable income pile if there is a future weakness in price.
Computershare (CPU) -5% (Sold April 2024)
(CPU– Forecast 2026: PE 16, ROE 36%) Computershare was a stinker last FY for Slack investor. In retrospect, I can’t believe Ibought in again for further punishment. I keep falling for the high ROE (36%) and relatively low PE (16) for a tech stock. Might have been a little early here in folding again – the share price has risen about 12% overall in FY2024.
Slack Investor Nuggets – FY 2024
Nuggets were everywhere this Financial Year. Slack Investor continues to invest in high Return on Equity (ROE) companies with a track record of increasing earnings. Companies with these qualities sometimes behave as “golden nuggets”.
Pro Medicus (PME) +118%
(PME – Forecast2026: PE 76, ROE 46%) Pro Medicus is a developer and supplier of healthcare imaging software and services to hospitals and diagnostic imaging groups. In 2019, Slack Investor met the CEO and co-founder of Pro Medicus, Dr Sam Hupert. I was impressed by his humility and passion for his great products. I’m obviously glad I bought in – but naturally wish I’d bought more! The very high predicted PE ratio (+76) is worrying but, in the past, product sales have just kept growing above expectations as PME expands into the US.
Altium (ALU) +106% (Sold pending takeover)
(ALU – Forecast 2026: PE 32, ROE 33%) Altium is an Australian based developer and seller of computer software for the design of electronic products worldwide. My ode to this great company expands on why I originally bought it and its great management team. Good luck with the new Japanese owners Renesas. For current holders, I think the cash payment per share is due today (1 August, 2024)
Goodman Group (GMG) +75%
(GMG – Forecast 2026: PE 23, ROE 12%) Goodman Group owns, develops, and manages (mostly industrial) properties all over the world. On a weekly bike ride, I go past a succession of Goodman warehouse properties – and they always seem to be thriving with activity. They even develop data centres that will hopefully be full of machines to manage the AI trend. Glad to be an owner.
Codan (CDA) +54%
(CDA – Forecast 2026: PE 20, ROE 21%) Codan is a technology company that specializes in communications and metal detecting. It is one of Slack investors core holdings that has taken him on what can only be described as a “journey”. A nugget in FY 2021 (+161%), a stinker in FY2022 (-58%) – and now back to a nugget (+54%). What has kept me in the stock was the low debt (generally) increasing earnings, and the high profitability (ROE 21%).
Supply Network (SNL) +54%
(SNL – Forecast 2026:PE 18, ROE 36%) Supply Network are a bus and truck parts distribution company using the Multispares brand. Although there are competitors in the big-vehicle parts business, what sets SNL apart from the rest is their great management and strict adherence to processes and efficiency. They have consistently held a profitability advantage over their rivals. They have maintained a high Return on Equity (ROE) of 36% even as the company has expanded and grown in price.
Alphabet (GOOGL:NASDAQ) +52%
(GOOGL– Forecast 2026: PE 17, ROE 25%) For more good things on this company that is everywhere. High profitability (ROE 25%) and the predicted 2026 PE of 17 makes this still a good buy at current prices – in Slack Investor’s head.
CAR Group (CAR) +52%
(CAR – Forecast 2026: PE 31, ROE 14%) Car Group is a collection of digital marketing vehicle businesses that are now in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand and the United States. The Australian business is still The ROE is slipping below 15%, but happy to hold on for now.
REA Group (REA) +39%
(REA – Forecast 2026: PE 41, ROE 32%) Like, REA has dominated the space left by the old newspaper classifieds in selling real estate in Australia and has continued to expand overseas. A high PE ratio (41) but while projected Return on Equity (ROE) remains high (32%), this is OK.
Wesfarmers (WES) +39%
(WES – Forecast 2026: PE 27, ROE 33%) Wesfarmers is Australia’s largest conglomerate. Great retail outfit (e.g. Bunnings) and chemical manufacturer. High profitability (ROE 33%) but like Coles, seems low on earnings growth lately.
Some honourable mentions to some top results this year that didn’t make the nuggets. BetaShares NASDAQ 100 ETF (NDQ) +32%; BetaShares Global Quality Leaders ETF) +27%; BetaShares Global Cybersecurity ETF (HACK)+26%; Dicker Data Limited (DDR.AX)+26%. A special mention also to a recent buy, Telix Pharmaceuticals (TLX) +23% in two months!
Slack Investor Total SMSF investments performance – FY 2024 July 2024 end of Month Update
Slack investor has just two piles of funds for his retirement – the Stable Income pile (Cash and Conservative) and an Investments pile. The Stable income represents just 25% of total retirement funds. I used to rebalance each of my piles after every year, but the stable pile now has enough in it that, together with dividends from my investments, could supply me with enough living expenses to last out an extended (3-yr) bad run of the stock markets – without having to sell stocks. The stable pile produces a moderate return of about 5%. The Investments pile is much more fun and the figures below represent (before tax) performance of my investmentspile only.
After a difficult 2022, a solid 2023, some very good fortune was had with a ripper FY2024. Some fortuitous selections with growth stocks have really paid off (Thank you PME and ALU). In the Australian superannuation scene, the median growth fund (61 to 80% in growth assets) returned +9.1% in FY 2024. The ASX 200 chart shows a gradual climb after a shaky start for the financial year.
A record result for Slack Investor in his growth investments portfolio. His preliminary total SMSF performance looks like coming in at around +39% for the financial year. Including the relatively low returns from my stable income pile (~5%) – overall, my retirement funds grew about 30%. A very good year!
For Slack Investor, the 5-yr performance is a more useful way of measuring – as it takes out the fluctuations of yearly returns. At the end of FY 2024, the Slack Portfolio has a compounding 5-yr annual return of around 13%.
July 2024 – end of Month Update
The new financial year has started off positively for Slack Investor markets. The ASX 200 + 4.2%; FTSE 100 +2.5%; and S&P 500 +1.1%. He remains IN for all index positions.
I have taken the opportunity to adjust upwards the stop losses on all followed index markets. The prices have crept up to more than 15% above their old stop losses. See Index pages for details.
All Index pages (ASX Index, UK Index, US Index) and charts have been updated to reflect the monthly changes.
Slack Investor is always on the lookout for growth companies … particularly when he is on the BUY! Since retirement, I haven’t had much chance to be on the Buy side of a transaction lately – as there isn’t that flow of fresh new money coming into the coffers from employment. Pre-retirement, any new money would flow into the cash reserves of my Super (SMSF -Self Managed Super Fund). When a sufficient amount of cash had built up, I would look around for some company shares to buy.
However, with the expected inflow of a bit of cash with the impending sale of Altium, I am starting to look around for suitable receivers of Slack Investor loot. Slack Investor is “Going Fishing”. The first thing I want in my pond is profitable companies – but I also want them to have a record of growth. In the second part of this fishing series, I will try to narrow things down to companies that I would actually like to buy.
Measures of Profitability
Slack Investor likes a company, that he invests in, to not only make a profit – but to use its shareholder funds in the best way to make a profit. There are many ways to look at profitability, but Slack Investor is pretty lazy in this regard and you won’t find him forensically gazing over profit and loss statements from a company report. I prefer couple of simple ratios to get an overview – I am no expert accountant.
Return on Equity (ROE)
ROE = Net Income/Shareholder Equity
I have always used Return on Equity (ROE) as a simple measure to give an idea on how a company is growing. Strictly speaking, the ROE is more a measure of profitability and how well it grows each dollar of company funds.
The higher the ROE, the more efficient a company’s management is at generating income and growth from its equity financing.
This metric is very easy to find in market aggregator sites such as, Morningstar, or For a deep dive, I prefer – which has the advantage of showing Predicted ROE for the next few years on each companies financial page. One of the problems with ROE is that, companies with debt can present an inflated ROE.
Return on Invested Capital (ROIC)
ROIC = Net Profit (After Tax)/Average Invested Capital
The purest way of looking at how good a company is in converting shareholders money into profit is the ROIC. Unfortunately, this figure is harder to come by on the generic financial aggregator sites. This ratio is superior to the ROE as it accounts for the debt levels of a company – as the Average Invested Capital is the Average Equity – Average Debt.
Measure of Growth
Compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
A quick way of determining if a company is growing is the CAGR. It is often constructed from past , data. The “Compound Annual Growth Rate”—is the annualized rate of growth in the value of the Earnings, or Revenue, over a stated period. The maths is a bit complicated and best done on a spreadsheet or a search around the financial sites. I found limited CAGR data for stocks at Morningstar and
CAGR is defined as the annualized growth rate in the value of a financial metric – such as revenue and EBITDA – or an investment across a specified period.
Fortunately there are some really nice blokes in the financial world that share the burden of responsibility to educate people about the share market as well as operating a profitable business. A shout out to Owen Raszkiewicz of the RASK Group. A great place to start your financial education with Owen is his Australian Finance podcast that he co-hosts with Kate Campbell. Slack Investor will often tune in to their discussions.
Below is a table Owen prepared in August 2023 that ranks Australian stocks in terms of their profitability (ROIC – Return on Invested Capital – Column F). He also shows, in the last column, the stock’s historical growth rate for the 5 years 2017-2022.
From Rask Media – ASX’s best companies published August 2023 – ranked in order of ROIC- Click on image to enlarge
This is a great place to start fishing, metrics for profitability and growth in one place. Pro Medicus is standing out here – High profitability (ROIC 55.48%) and high historical growth (5-yr CAGR 24.22%). A complete picture needs both of these metrics. For example, Woolworths has a high profitability (ROIC 41.28%) but is laggard in historical growth (5-yr CAGR 2.10%).
The next article in this series will look at how Slack Investor narrows these stocks down and then screens them further with the P/E Ratio to try to make sure that each potential buying stock is not overpriced.
Slack Investor usually just assesses stock market returns at the end of the financial year. However, calendar year 2023 was some ride.
The 2023 ASX 200 Chart
For the 2023 calendar year, the ASX 200 Index started at 7020, and ended up at 7590 – a 12-mth increase of about 8% – but, on the way, it fell to a year low of 6751 – a temporary fall of 3.8%.
Of course, If you did not look at the charts daily, these fluctuations would mean nothing. If you ony looked at the Australian Index at yearly intervals, 2023 would probably bring some joy. As well as the overall 8% gain for the year, when you include dividends, the ASX 200 Index total return for calendar year 2023 was 12.2%. The ASX “All Ordinaries” Index (Tracking Australia’s largest 500 listed companies) had a total return of 13.0%.
Slack Investor will again emphasize the joy of investing and mostly doing nothing – and trying to focus on longer term returns. One of the best summary charts I have seen for a while that shows calendar year returns has just been updated and published by Ashley Owen. Ashley uses the “All Ordinaries” Index rather than the ASX 200 Index- as there is more historical data available for comparison.
Total ASX “All Ordinaries” calendar year returns – with the the last 5 years highlighted – From Ashley Owen – Owen Analytics – (Click to Enlarge)
The first thing that jumps out in this chart is the amount of “Green” positive years vs the “Red” negative years. In 78% of calendar years, ASX Index returns are positive. The overall average total return since 1900 for the Australian “All Ordinaries” Index is 11.7%.
Inflation has been the topic of the day lately and Owen has kindly provided his calendar year chart in terms of Real Returns for the All Ordinaries Index – The total return minus the inflation rate (Consumer Price Index (CPI)). A certain amount of cash is worth holding to for liquidity – so that you can avoid selling stocks in a market downturn. Although cash can iron out some of the stock market fluctuations, being invested in cash is not a protection from inflation.
Total ASX “All Ordinaries” calendar year “Real” (minus inflation) returns – with the the last 5 years highlighted – From Ashley Owen – Owen Analytics – (Click to Enlarge)
Adjusted for cpi increases, the overall average “Real” total return since 1900 for the Australian “All Ordinaries” Index is 7.9%. Slack Investor is willing to put up with the volatility of share markets for an average “after inflation” return like this.
For financial independence and as a hedge against inflation, it is important to own growth assets – such as the Australian Share market. Sure, there will be the occasional negative annual returns ahead … but let’s not worry about this while the Australian stock market is rising. Long-term overall results are the important thing.
January 2024 – End of Month Update
Slack Investor is IN for Australian index shares, the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100.
After a big Christmas Rally, things have settled down a bit with modest gains for the ASX 200 (+1.2%) and the S&P 500(+1.6%). The FTSE 100 had a small fall ( -1.3%)
It was time to adjust the stop loss for the S&P 500 as the current value is over 15% greater than the stop loss. Slack Investor has long believed the US market is overvalued and, while enjoying the journey, is happy to have his stop loss a little tighter. It is difficult to do the adjustment on the monthly chart, so I had a look at the weekly chart for the S&P 500 below. I am looking for a dip in the chart that represents a “Higher low”. The new stop loss now stands at 4682 – only 3% below the current value.
Usually not much of a country and Western Fan, but Slack Investor is quite taken with this video of Slim Dusty in his rendition of Looking Forward Looking Back – where two Australian Music Legends (Don Walker and Slim Dusty) combine to make this beautiful Australian song. Slim must have been about 73 when this song was recorded in the year 2000.
Making sense of what I’ve seen All the love we’ve had between You and I, along the track Looking forward, looking back
This song is bitter-sweet to me as it was played at a good friend’s funeral … and I always get a little sad .. but then, I think of the good times I shared with my friend. My friend was also a keen investor and, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me using this song to launch this post. It is a song of reflection … with a reminder to look forward as well.
Slack Five-Year Individual Share Performance
Though Slack Investor reports on his results on a yearly basis, the annual Nuggets and Stinkers post is a constant reminder of how, in successive years, a company can be “a nugget” … or “a stinker”. The market will often go in trends of overvaluation followed by a period of undervaluation – and the true measure of how the stock has performed is lost in these constant tidal changes. For my purposes (Slack!), a 5-yr measure of performance is about right – as this allows for the true performance of a quality stock to shine through.
I trawled through the Slack Portfolio to find stocks that I had owned for 5 years. I was suprised to find that, of my current 22 individual stocks or ETF’s that I own, I had held only 5 of these for 5 years. This is not what I expected from a Slack Investor and I had to drill down into the portfolio to realize that I had given my portfolio a big shake-up about 4-5 years ago. I had retired, injected a large portion of my work super into my SMSF, and also sold a few stocks to make way for a house purchase.
The 5 stocks that I had 5-yr data on were Altium, Macquarie Group. REA Group, CSL and Codan. The 5-yr Internal Rate of Return (IRR) figures give an “average” annual return for the 5-yr period and include dividends as well as any stock price growth. The results below, for the five years up to 30/06/23, are from my financial software – the free “Sunset” international version of Microsoft Money Australian Version. There are IRR calculators and Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) calculators also available online. I have also included the CAGR Total Return (TR) till 30/06/23 for each of the Slack followed markets (in bold) for reference.
5-yr IRR
Altium Ltd
Macquarie Group Ltd
S&P500 (TR)
REA Group Ltd
ASX200 (TR)
FTSE100 (TR)
Codan Ltd
Digesting the above table, Slack Investor is generally pleased with the annual IRR over 5 years of the majority of held stocks. The exception is Codan (CDA) which has had a roller coaster ride in the price charts (see below) – and underperformed the ASX 200 index over 5 years. This stock needs further evaluation to see if I should continue to hold it in the Slack Portfolio.
There are strange days Full of change on the way But we’ll be fine, unlike some I’ll be leaning forward, to see what’s coming
I go to Market Screener Financials page for Codan to quickly see that the income for CDA is projected to increase for the next few years and the company is in a solid financial position. The projected Return on Equity (ROE) remains above 15% and, despite the dramatic price fall during 2021/2022 over earnings downgrades, the companies price trend so far in 2023, has been positive. This holding is currently on “watch” – but I remain a holder of CDA for now.
5-yr Price Chart of Codan (CDA) – from
November 2023 – End of Month Update
Slack Investor is IN for Australian index shares, the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100.
Due to a strong rebound this month Slack investor has cancelled his SELL Alert for the ASX200 that started at October 31 2023 due to a stop loss breach – and he now remains IN .
All Slack Investor overseas followed markets had a bumper month. The S&P 500 led the way with a massive rise of +8.9 %. More modest rises for the FTSE 100 +1.6% and the Australian stock market – the ASX 200 +4.5%.
All Index pages and charts have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX Index, UK Index, US Index).
In the world of stock markets, a 10% decline from a previous peak is known as a “Correction”. Never a nice time … but Slack Investor recommends that you just put on the big pants and get used to these things. Corrections are just part of the landscape of investing in shares and Slack Investor has often written about them – and theneed to roll with them – if you are using stock markets to better your financial position.
On average, the (US) market declined 10% or more every 1.2 years since 1980, so you could even say corrections are common.
Throughout my investing career, I have been a net buyer of stocks. Selling only to raise some cash, or to shift out of one stock into a (hopefully) better performing one. Things are much the same in retirement – Though I seem to be tradingless.
I have structured my portfolio into a stable income pile and the more adventurous investment pile. My living expenses are easily covered from the dividends from the investments pile and income from the stable pile. So I never have to sell shares when their value is discounted during a correction (>10% fall) or a crash (>20% fall).
This way I can reap the benefits of long term growth in the sharemarket. The data from 97 years of following the S&P 500 Index with a balanced (60% shares:40% bonds/cash) portfolio shows that, over a 5-yr period, the portfolio will outperform inflation 84% of times by an average annual amount of 5.48%. Holding the portfolio for 15 years, it has been ahead of inflation by 5.33% on 97% of occasions. Slack Investor would take those odds.
Not for the faint hearted, but you can (historically) get an increase to returns by taking on more risk with a 100% shares portfolio. When calculated over a 15-yr period, The S&P 500 has been ahead of inflation by 7.08% (average p.a.) on 95% of occasions.
In light of the above two tables, Slack Investor shows indifference to these corrections … be patient – you will be rewarded.
October 2023 – End of Month Update
Slack Investor remains IN for the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100. But is on SELL Alert for the Australian index shares – as the end of month stock price (6780) is below its monthly stop loss of 6917.
Slack investor is on SELL Alert for the ASX200 at October 31, 2023 due to a stop loss breach. I have a “soft sell” approach when I gauge that the market is not too overvalued. I will not sell against the overall trend – but monitor my index funds on a weekly basis.
Another negative month for Slack Investor followed markets (S&P 500 -2.2 %, and the FTSE 100 -3.8%, and the Australian stock market did the same (ASX 200 -3.8%).
All Index pages and charts have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX Index, UK Index, US Index).
“I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I’ll believe anything, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it.
Isaac Asimov – US Author and Biochemist
Good fortune has prevailed in FY 2023. After the tough investing year of FY2022, Slack Investor has stuck to his strategy of investing with growing companies that have an established earnings record and forward P/E ratios <50 (Mostly!). As always, there have been a few lapses, but that’s just part of being an investor.
I expect a bit of volatility in my (mostly “growth”) investment portfolio and I try to reassure myself that, despite the odd negative year in the Slack Investment Portfolio the Stable Income portfolio is doing its job and keeping Slack Investor with enough cash to keep things running. In the world markets, the FTSE 100 Total Return Index was up 7.8% (last FY up 5.7%). Dividends helped the Australian Accumulation Index to be up 10.6% for the financial year (last FY -7.5%). The S&P 500 Total Return Index is again full of optimism – and was up 19.7% (last FY -10.7%) for the same period. All of these Total Return Indicies include any accumulated dividends.
Slack Portfolio Results FY 2023
All Performance results are before tax. The Slack Portfolio is Slack Investor’s investment portfolio and, after the first negative year since starting this portfolio in 2010, I am delighted to be “Back in the Black” – with an annual FY 2023 performance of +17.9%. Full yearly results with benchmarks are shown in the table below.
FY2022 was another bumper year in real estate – particularly Brisbane -but there has been a welcome pause in housing prices for FY2023. For property, the actual falls in asset values is greater than that shown as Slack Investor is using the Total Return values supplied by CoreLogic. The Total Return is calculated from value change as well as the gross rental yield. I would have preferred calculations that include the net rental yield, but this will have to do. The Total Return is a more realistic figure when comparing real estate returns to stock market total returns, as it treats both asset classes as investments.
The share market was the place to be for FY 2023, with the Australian Share market Total Return Index (ASX200 Acc) up 10.6% and the Vanguard Diversified Growth ETF (VDGR), comprising mostly (68%) of International and Australian Shares, increasing by 11.2%. Inflation is again coming in big – with the CPI at +6.0% – reinforcing the need to have exposure to “growth assets” such as shares or property.
Although I collect yearly figures, the 5 and 10-year compound annual performance gives me a much better idea about how things are going and will smooth out any dud (or remarkable!) results. The Slack Fund is still ahead of Benchmarks – but currently being challenged by Brisbane Residential real estate over a five-year period.
5-yr Average Annual Performance
Slack Investor 5-year compound annual rate of return – compared to benchmarks – Click for better resolution.
The beauty of compounding with a succession of good performance results can be seen in the chart below showing the growth of an initial investment in June 2009 of $10000.
Growth of a $10000 Investment Since 2009
The rate of growth of $10000 invested by Slack Investor in FY 2009 – compared to benchmarks – Click for better resolution.
10-year compound annual rate of return
The Slack Fund has been around a while and, at last, I am generating some long term data (10-year compound “rolling” annual rate of return). Over this time frame, the Slack Fund has been performing very well. A 10-year annual rate of return of over 14% – Go Slack Fund!
However, the 10-yr rates of return of the Median Balanced Fund, Vanguard Growth fund, ASX200, and residential property in Brisbane and Melbourne are also great long term investments, generating a 10-year compound annual rate of return of 6-9% p.a. From the figures below, although it can add stability to a portfolio, Cash as a long term investment, is a poor choice.
“Life is not a bowl full of cherries, there’s good and bad stuff“
Fuzzy Zoeller (American professional golfer)
Fuzzy Zoeller does not always say wise things, but his quote above is on the money. Slack Investor takes the good with the bad.
The trampoline effect of stinkers becoming nuggets in consecutive years reared again, with REA making the transition this year. Also, Nuggets … might end on the Stinker pile the year after. Slack Investor puts more emphasis on growth over a multi-year period, but compiles the yearly Nuggets and Stinkers list …. because its fun!
Growth stocks (usually high Return on Equity (ROE >15%), as with other stocks, often have cycles of price – bouts of overvaluation followed by a period of undervaluation.
The percentage yearly returns quoted in this post include costs (brokerage) but, the returns are before tax. This raw figure can then be compared with other investment returns. I use the incredibly useful Market Screener to analyze the financial data from each company and extract the predicted 2o25 Price/Earnings (PE) Ratio, Dividend Yield, and Return on Equity (ROE), on the companies below. This excellent site allows free access (up to a daily limit) to their analyst’s data, on the financials tab for each stock, once you register with an email address.
Slack Investor Stinkers – FY 2023
Financial year 2023 was a welcome recovery in the technology sectors. All of Slack Investors followed markets Australia, the UK and the US having gains over the financial year 2023. However, Slack Investor is always ready for lessons in humility and still managed to pick up a few stinkers along the way.
Integral Diagnostics (IDX) -19% (Sold Oct 2022)
(IDX – 2025: PE 18, Yield 3.8%, ROE 10%) Integral Diagnostics provides medical imaging services at a number of urban and regional locations in Australia and New Zealand. This company was also one of my stinkers last year (FY2022 -39%) The sinking feeling that I got during my monthly chart reviews was just too much … and I finally gave into that negative energy in October 2022 – and sold. This, unfortunately, turned out to be the bottom of the market – and IDX has made a modest recovery since.
Computershare (CPU) -18% (Sold May 2023)
(CPU– 2025: PE 16, Yield 3.8%, ROE 29%) Computershare is well known to owners of some Australian shares as they run the registry for many Australian companies. It started as an Australian technology business in 1978 and since has become a major global player in financial services. Slack Investor just bought at a bad time … and I sold in May 2023 to make another share purchase. CPU seems to be a solid global business though – Will look at buying this one again.
Dicker Data (DDR) -18% (Still held)
(DDR – 2025: PE 14, Yield 6.8%, ROE 42%) Dicker Data is the only Australian owned and ASX-listed major IT provider. It is a hardware, software and cloud distributor for most of the well known US IT companies (Microsoft, Cisco, HP, etc). The business is projected to continue to grow and, as the share price seems to have “bottomed out”, Slack Investor will continue to hold on because of the companies excellent projected PE, Yield, and ROE.
BetaShares Asia Technology Tigers ETF -7% (Sold Sep 2022)
(ASIA – 2023: PE 17, Yield 2.6%,) Growth in Asia … What could go wrong! Plenty it seems. These “technology tigers” that make up this ETF have been part of a global selloff of tech-related shares in Asia since 2021 as many US investors take flight from the China market due to US/China tensions.
This company was also one of my stinkers last year (FY2022 -33%) and was “on watch” during my monthly chart reviews. Sadly, the pain became too much and I unloaded near the bottom of the market again … and, it has since made a modest recovery. I have maintained at least some exposure to the Asian tech sector with with Vanguard FTSE Asia ex Japan ETF (VGE.ASX).
Slack Investor Nuggets – FY 2023
Nuggets made a comeback this Financial Year. Slack Investor continues to invest in high Return on Equity (ROE) companies with a track record of increasing earnings, Companies with these qualities sometimes behave as “golden nuggets”.
Technology One (TNE) +48%
(TNE – 2025: PE 37, Yield 1.5%, ROE 34%) This Software as a Service (SaaS) and consulting company continues to be profitable. This great business was also a nugget last year (+17%). A high 2025 PE of 37 (Expensive) is a little scary but, if the high Returns on Equity (34%) remain, on balance, this is OK. I found this company through the writings of Rudi Filapek-Vandyck – a great Australian Investor and writer, when he talks, Slack Investor listens.
Altium (ALU) +40%
(ALU – 2025: PE 34, Yield 2.3%, ROE 32%) Altium is an Australian based developer and seller of computer software for the design of electronic products worldwide. It focuses on electronics design systems for 3D printed circuit board (PCB) design. Slack Investor has part-owned this business since 2009 and has enjoyed the increasing value that ALU has created. This sector is very now … and remains a favourite of Slack Investor. (CAR) +37%
(CAR – 2025: PE 28, Yield 3.0%, ROE 10%) is the go to for selling cars, boats and other vehicles. It does, in an efficient way, what the classified ads used to do. I have noticed that the Return on Equity is dropping (Now 10%) and will keep this company on watch – but I cant argue with the recent price rises.
BetaShare NASDAQ 100 ETF (NDQ) +36%
(NDQ – 2023:PE 26, Yield 1.0%) Exposure to the powerhouse of US Tech companies with the simplicity of an ASX ETF. Management fees are reasonable at 0.48% – Slack Investor remains a fan.
Pro Medicus (PME) +36%
(PME – 2025: PE 78, Yield 0.6%, ROE 46%) Pro Medicus is a developer and supplier of healthcare imaging software and services to hospitals and diagnostic imaging groups. Slack Investor actually met the CEO and co-founder of Pro Medicus, Dr Sam Hupert, at an investment seminar last year. His modesty, US foothold, and debt-free approach to expanding his business impressed me – I’m obviously glad I bought in – but the very high PE ratio (+78) is worrying – expensive.
REA Group (REA) +30%
(REA – 2025: PE 39, Yield 1.5%, ROE 29%) Like, REA has dominated the space left by the old newspaper classifieds in selling real estate in Australia. REA has expanded into India and other global locations. A high PE ratio (39) but while projected Return on Equity (ROE) remains high (29%), this is OK.
VanEck Wide Moat ETF (MOAT) +30%
(MOAT – 2023: PE 19, Yield 2.6%,) The Wide Moat ETF run by VanEck is a rules-based selection of “attractively priced US companies with sustainable competitive advantages” Sounds good doesn’t it. The management expense ratio of 0.49% is OK for such curated US exposure.
Slack Investor Total SMSF performance – FY 2023 and July 2023 end of Month Update
After a difficult 2022, FY 2023 is described by J. P. Morgan as being “kinder to balanced portfolios”. True That! The growth stocks that were punished last year bounced back strongly. In the Australian superannuation scene, the median growth fund (61 to 80% in growth assets) returned +9.2%for FY 2023. The ASX 200 chart shows a gradual climb for the financial year.
After a tough FY 2022, the FY 2023 Slack Investor preliminary total SMSF performance looks like returning to form and coming in at around +18%. The 5-yr performance is a more useful benchmark to me – as it takes out the bouncing around of yearly returns. At the end of FY 2023, the Slack Portfolio has a compounding 5-yr annual return of around 10%.
The new financial year started of positively for Slack Investor markets. The ASX 200 + 2.9%; FTSE 100 +2.2%; and S&P 500 +3.1%. He remains IN for all index positions.
All Index pages (ASX Index, UK Index, US Index) and charts have been updated to reflect the monthly changes.
Cathie Wood is the CEO of Ark Innovation and is best known for her NASDAQ based flagship fund ETF (ARKK). She has been concentrating her bets on the “disruptive technologies,” such as artificial intelligence, genomics, blockchain and cryptocurrency, and clean energy. She is a big fan of Tesla and has made the prediction
Slack Investor is no seer … but at the October 14, 2022 price of 16240 USD, Bitcoin has quite a way to go to reach that mark. In the words of the great BBC TV character Sir Humphrey, this looks like a “very courageous” prediction Cathie!
The ARK Innovation ETF (Nasdaq: ARKK)
Wood, is a devout Christian, and has named her company after the sacred Ark of the Covenent. Cathie Wood is a household name in the US and has a huge number of loyal fans. Her funds had 60 billion USD under management at their peak. She was named by Bloomberg as Stock Picker of the Year in 2020 . The flagship ARKK fund gained a remarkable 152% in 2020, but since then, the performance has not been so stellar – ARKK is down 65% so far this year. In interviews, she often refers to her past success, and insists, over and over again, her performance should be judged over a five-year time horizon.
The Price chart of the ARKK ETF since 2017 –
Wood is nothing but confident. She hosts a monthly finance video – delightfully called “In the Know” and is a great defender of her fund. She sees “spectacular returns” for Ark Invest over the next five years. According to a recent article by New York magazine, her initial predictions for ARK Invest were annualized returns of 15 percent, “Now we think 50 percent.”
Slack Investor would agree that a 5-yr holding period is a good minimum to judge how a fund is performing – to allow for volatility and to allow growth stocks to grow. She might be right that tech stocks are undervalued at the moment. But let’s have a look at her results as a fund manager over the last 5 years. The total return of ARKK expressed as a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) since November 2017 was a not so impressive 3.5% when compared with other “no stock picking” index funds.
Value Nov 2017
Value Nov 2022
S&P 500 TR
ASX 200 TR
Based upon the 5 years preceding November 2022, the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of various Total Return (TR) index values compared with the ARKK ETF (including dividends since Nov 2017 of $2.91 USD). These TR calculations include dividends. Data from Yahoo Finance and CAGR calculations from CAGRCalulator
Cathie Wood conducted a recent session at a Morgan Stanley event in Sydney. where she maintained her bullish outlook. According to the Financial Review, the fund manager essentially argued it’s the market that’s got it wrong, not her!
Slack Investor is far more humble … he “takes his licks” when times are bad – doesn’t “crow” when times are good – and is mostly wary when a new “stock guru” emerges.
In the stock market, volatility is the price he has to pay for being involved with long-term asset growth.
November 2022 – Mid-Month Update
My small-scale, and often very frustrating, market timing experiment continues until its projected end in 2024. On a weekly signal for the FTSE 100 from the momentum following Directional Movement system. I have bought back into the UK index. I am back now to fully invested in the ASX Index, UK Index, US Index.
The buy signal can show itself as a downward dip in the trend strength indicator ADX (grey line) of the lower panel below. There are many ways of setting up this Directional Movement system. Slack Investor likes the “smoothing” that is enabled by a system that looks back over the previous 11 periods – but the complexities are best left for the Resources page.