SMSF is it a superpower OR Kryptonite? … and January 2021 – End of Month Update

Image from Finfit Wealth Solutions

Slack Investor hasn’t written much about Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF’s) despite his love affair with his own fund. SMSF’s are only found in Australia and represent a “hands on” way to accumulate, nurture, and eventually release your super funds as a pension or lump sum. They have the same status as a normal retail or industry super fund (e.g. Australian Super) but they are “self managed” and give the trustees (members of the fund) power over where the fund is invested. This control is a double edged sword, as it is also possible to destroy your super wealth with a SMSF by making unwise investments.

SMSF’s offer

  • Control
  • Flexibility in investments – But this can be dangerous!
  • Estate Planning and Taxation advantages

There are nearly 600,000 SMSFs in Australia with over a million member (March 2020). Although this represents less than 5% of Australia’s population, about 25% of the $2.7 trillion invested in superannuation is invested in SMSF’s. The average member balance for an SMSF was a whopping $678,621 (ATO Data 2018).

It is possible to structure an SMSF so that the investment fees are very low. A surprising finding from a SuperConcepts study was that the average annual expense ratio for SMSF’s was 2.8% for the  over 20000 funds surveyed. This seems particularly high when compared to the Slack Investor SMSF portfolio expense ratio of 0.12%  through a “no advice” online SMSF services provider like e-superfund. This suggests that most of the funds surveyed used the relatively high cost route of engaging an accountant to administer the fund. There are many SMSF providers – Slack Investor uses e-superfund which provides the legal structure and web-based audits and education. The yearly operating expenses are an amazingly low $999. The SMSF is so integral to Slack Investor’s strategy that I have set aside an SMSF page on the Slack Investor site – Alas, there is not much on there yet … but it will come!

Rainmaker are producing monthly comparisons of SMSF’s with the larger low cost My Super products offered by Industry and Retail Super Funds. The analysis can be found on their Superguard360 site.

A comparison of the Asset mix of SMSF funds (left column) with MySuper funds – From Superguard360

SMSF funds (above left) traditionally hold more cash, property and less international shares than the larger Industry/Retail funds (My Super – above right). SMSF’s have outperformed MySuper since the GFC (see below, SMSF’s Blue line, My Super Red block). However, with the recovery of equities, the MySuper funds have been catching up and as at June 2017, 10-year returns from both types of funds are near identical at 4.2%. Under current asset allocations, the more diversified Industry and retail funds should overtake SMSF performance – on average.

Comparison of how SMSF’s (Blue Line) have done , on average, against the default My Super Fund Index (Red Block) – From Superguard360

Self Managed Super is NOT for Everyone

“… That a little knowledge is apt to puff up, and make men giddy, but a greater share of it will set them right, and bring them to low and humble thoughts of themselves.”

From an anonymous author, published in 1698 as The Mystery of Phanaticism

Running a SMSF takes time and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone that doesn’t want to be fully engaged with their financial future. Luckily, Slack Investor finds the whole finance and ATO compliance scene most interesting. Trustees of SMSF’s are held responsible for compliance with super and tax laws and there are many other risks in running a SMSF fund. A long term study of SMSF data by SuperConcepts, “When Size Matters” found that that SMSF’s below $200000 in total funds generally underperformed. However, the larger SMSF’s were comparable in performance with industry funds.

Over 10 years, there’s hardly any difference between the performance of not-for-profit funds, such as industry funds, and DIY (SMSF) funds.

SMH article (2017) summarising Rainmaker data from the ATO

Despite how well an SMSF style really suits Slack Investor – The large majority of people should not get into an SMSF – but stick with a good performing Industry Fund. Unless you are justifiably confident in your investing abilities, most people will be better of with a well diversified industry fund for long-term Super performance. It is always better to “have low and humble thoughts of ourselves” – it is too easy to destroy the value of your hard earned super.

January 2021 – End of Month Update

Slack Investor remains IN for Australian index shares, the US Index S&P 500 and the FTSE 100.

Some tested COVID-19 vaccinations have started to be rolled out internationally – but uncertainty prevails. Slack Investor followed markets all fluctuated but, overall, remained pretty flat this month. For January 2021, the Australian ASX 200 rose 0.3%, the S&P 500 fell 1.1%, and the FTSE 100 down 0.8%.

All Index pages and charts  have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX IndexUK IndexUS Index).

Financial Year 2020 Slack Results

Peter Lynch

“If you can follow only one bit of data, follow the earnings — assuming the company in question has earnings. … What the stock price does today, tomorrow, or next week is only a distraction.”

Peter Lynch, One Up On Wall Street:

The great investor Peter Lynch had plenty of “solid gold” insights that Slack Investor has tried to incorporate into his investing. I have long extolled the virtues of growing companies with high Return on Equity (ROE). But, before I invest, I look at the earnings and projected earnings of each company at an aggregate site such as the most excellent Market Screener – Registration is free!

For example, the current market darling Afterpay (APT) is an excellent business idea and has performed extremely well for those who own it (Up 163% FY2020). APT may be a very successful company – but it is not expected to have positive earnings till 2022. From the earnings table below, both Slack Investor and Peter Lynch would be reluctant to stump up $66 to earn $0.28 in 2022.

June FY
Annual Earnings per Share (EPS) for ASX listed Afterpay (APT) from MarketScreener

Slack Investor tries to get things “mostly right” and fills his portfolio with companies that Peter Lynch would hopefully approve of – There are no Afterpay’s, but many other growing companies that have an established earnings record – There will probably be some temporary downgrades to earnings in the Slack Portfolio this year due to the virus. I could never match Peter Lynch’s legendary performance, where he grew his Magellan Investment Fund from 1977 until 1990, at an average 29.2% annual return – roughly twice the gains of the S&P 500 at the time.

Things were going along swimmingly for FY 2020 till mid-February and the rapid spread of COVID 19 around the world. For FY 2020, the worst performing followed index was the UK, with the FTSE 100 Total Return Index down 13.8%. Dividends helped the Australian Accumulation Index to be down 3.7% for the financial year. These Americans really believe in their stock’s ability to keep earning during this recession (maybe Slack Investor has a twinge of doubt here) … the S&P 500 Total Return Index was UP 12.0% for the same period. All of these Total Return Indexes include any accumulated dividends, wheras the chart below of the ASX 200, just shows stock prices.

ASX 2oo Weekly chart for FY 2020 – started at 6618 and finished at 5897 (30 June 2019 – 30 June 2020) – Incredible Charts

Slack Portfolio Results FY 2020

Slack Investor has three financial pillars to keep himself steady. I will expand on these in a later post.

  • House – Home ownership gives me great security and pleasure. The bank owned most of this 30 years ago – but now I have the upper hand! (~30% of Net Worth)
  • Income – This used to be my job, but in retirement I have some stable income annuity style investment (~20% of Net Worth) that would pay my bills and maintain a basic Slack Lifestyle should Armageddon befall the stock markets for a few years. This income is supplemented by income from the Slack Portfolio.
  • Slack Portfolio Investments – (~50% of Net Worth) – Now currently in my Self Managed Super fund (SMSF) which is almost exclusively invested in growth companies. These are great businesses to be invested in if you have a long time horizon – as stock prices can be volatile in high Return on Equity (ROE) shares. I am currently retired and would not rely on the Slack Portfolio for stable income. Because of the stability of my other two pillars, I can be quite aggressive in the allocation of my investments in the Slack Portfolio – as I know I will not have to panic sell (for income) during any downturn.

All Performance results are before tax, given the circumstances, the Slack Portfolio annual FY 2020 performance of +9.4% was a pretty good result. Full yearly results with benchmarks are shown in the table below. A mediocre year for all benchmarks exposed to Australian and UK share markets (Median Balance Fund +0.3%, Vanguard Growth Fund +0.6%, ASX 200 Accumulation -2.7%). Real Estate was a good investment in the Brisbane and Melbourne markets for FY 2020 (+8.4% and +13.8%) – but the winds for these investments are blowing the wrong way now.

2010 6.6 9.8 12.3 13.1 10.8 26.9 4.2 3.1
2011 2.5 8.7 9.1 11.7 -2.4 0.9 4.4 3.7
2012 8.3 0.4 1.3 -6.7 1.3 -0.9 4.3 1.2
2013 26.5 14.7 18.6 22.8 7.7 8.3 3.2 2.4
2014 23.6 12.7 14.5 17.4 11.5 12.8 2.6 3.0
2015 2.4 9.6 11.8 5.7 7.7 15.6 2.5 1.5
2016 14.2 2.8 4.2 0.6 8.4 9.5 2.2 1.3
2017 19.5 10.4 8.8 14.1 6.5 17.7 1.9 1.9
2018 37.6 9.2 10.0 13.0 1.1 5.2 3.9 2.1
2019 19.7 7.2 9.8 11.2 1.7 -6.0 2.0 1.3
2020 9.4 0.3 0.6 -2.7 8.4 13.8 1.1 -0.3

The Slack Fund yearly progress vs BENCHMARKS. The Median Balanced Fund (41-60% Growth Assets)Vanguard Growth FundASX 200 Accumulation IndexCorelogic Residential Property total return in both Brisbane and Melbourne, and Cash (Australian Super Cash Fund) and Consumer Price Index (CPI)

The Five-year compound annual performance gives me a much better idea about how things are going and will smooth out any dud (or remarkable!) results.

The beauty of compounding with a succession of good performance results can be seen in the chart below showing the growth of an initial investment in June 2009 of $10000.

FY 2021 Resolutions

Image from the perceptive Gary Markstein.

The delusional President Trump provides many lessons to Slack Investor. The absence of these traits in Trump reminds me that humility and compassion are such worthwhile qualities. I will continue to work on these personal attributes this coming financial year and always be grateful for good fortune. I made plenty of mistakes this year and in hindsight sold some shares just before a decent price rise (e.g, IRI, CIP, VGE) – but Slack Investor accepts this as just the “normal path” of investing.

Slack Investor has no form in trying to predict the future … In the last 6 months I have tinkered with the Slack Portfolio and tried to get rid of any companies that would suffer severe setbacks in this COVID-19 led global recession. I have no great faith in my ability to time the exit and entry of exposure to sharemarkets, and I remain fully invested. Slack Investor is prepared to “ride this one out” with cash in the Portfolio at less than 1%.

In the wise words of Peter Lynch …

“Far more money has been lost by investors preparing for corrections or trying to anticipate corrections than has been lost in the corrections themselves.”

Peter Lynch, One Up On Wall Street:

Is Market Timing Just Too Hard?

Slack Investor has not too many attributes … but one of his few features is self-awareness and the constant need to review techniques on the way to financial independence.

I have been trying to run a timing strategy with my index funds since 2004. With some success, but I would only give a “try harder” sticker to the results.

The average yearly gain for the Slack Monthly “market timing” method over the alternate strategy of “buy and hold” (leaving funds in the  ASX IndexUK Index, and the US Index), is respectively is 2.7%, 2.3% and 0.3% (At March 2020). Check out the charts, trades and the gains at the page links for each index.

Although these figures show outperformance for the Slack “market timing” method. These gains might have been outweighed by share dividends if I had held the shares instead of trading out to cash. At the moment cash returns are very low (0.5 – 1.5%) and, at the current average ASX 200 yield of 5.2%, shares make a lot of sense – But being in stocks is not for the faint-hearted.

The bear market of March of 2020
Chart showing the historical number of days to reach a Dow Jones market fall of 30% – From a Beth Kindig article in Forbes

2020 has been the financial equivalent of the “Battered Sav” with wild swings in the stock market – and the fastest fall in stock market prices in history. The ASX fell 20.5% in 14 days to enter “Bear Market” territory on March 11. It was down 30% from its peak by March 16. It is the speed of the market falls that is making Slack Investor starting to question his monthly timing strategy. For the US Dow Jones index, the rapid fall of 30% in just 18 days during March 2020 has set new records.

Things are getting freaky!

A visualization of the daily moves for the US Market 2010-2019 shows that usually most daily movements are less than 1% either way – This is Slack Investors comfort zone. But, occasionally, the market moves much more in a day. I think these large moves are getting much more common with the increased prominence of high frequency trading.

A great visualization from 2019 showing the daily percentage movements of the US stock market since 2009. Most of the daily moves are between -1% band +1% – but higher fluctuations do occur. – from

Compare the size of daily movements on the US market in January 2020 with March 2020 – where most days had changes more than 3%.

A comparison of daily percentage change on the US Dow Jones Index in January 2020 with March 2020. From Bloomberg ofdollarsand

Large share brokers and investment firms use trading systems that automatically buy into rising markets and sell into falling markets. These trades are executed by computers that use a defined set of instructions known as an algorithm to place a trade. If the market is moving up or down then these trading systems inflate the movements of the market as they try to get in or out of a trade. These computer trades make it hard for individual investors as their trades happen in microseconds. Algorithmic trading is growing rapidly at 11% per year.

“fundamental discretionary traders” accounted for only 10 percent of stock trading volume

JP Morgan quote from 2017

That means that we individual traders are up against the machines for 9 out of every 10 trades.

“Investors may have to get used to big, sudden moves in the stock market due to fewer institutions pushing equities to attractive valuations while hedge funds reach unprecedented levels of employing computerized momentum-based strategies. The result will be “faster and deeper” corrections.”

JP Morgan

I will keep my market-timing experiment for index funds (Less than 3% of my Portfolio) going for another 4 years (to make it a 20-year trial). My feeling is that by waiting till the end of the month, sometimes the market has corrected too far. However, for the bulk of my stocks, my message is to embrace the volatility of the stock market … it is what it is! The share market is still one of the most convenient way to build wealth for the investor.

Slack Investor cannot beat the computers in a momentum trade. But I do have some advantages over the the machines. I can try to judge what a business is worth. Does it have barriers to entry for other companies? Is it growing? Does it have too much debt? Find yourself some good growing companies with a track record of increasing earnings. Do a little “tweaking” to suit the times … and stay safe in these troubled times.

Financial Year 2019 Slack Results

“You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong.”

Warren Buffet

The art of getting things mostly right is all that Slack Investor wants to do – this is a theme that echoes throughout this blog. Slack Investor does not aim for perfection – good enough is good enough. Along the way will be fantastic opportunities that I missed out on … but that’s OK too.

Though not in Mr Buffet’s league, stock pick failures are something that we both accept – providing that they are not too common! Mr Buffet probably has regrets about his $US14 billion stake in Kraft Heinz … but unlikely to be losing any sleep about it. The Slack stinkers were outlined last post – again, no sleep lost. There will be times when the entire Slack portfolio goes negative – A good example is the first half of last financial year, From July 01 till December 31 2018, things were grim with the Australian Market down 9% and the Slack Portfolio down over 10% and the journey so far this financial year has been “wild and woolly”.

ASX 2oo Weekly chart for FY 2019 (01 July 2018 – 30 June 2019) – Incredible Charts

Slack Performance Results FY 2019

Performance results are before tax and, despite being over 10% down at the end of December, the Slack Portfolio grew a creditable 19.7% for the year. Full yearly results with benchmarks are shown in the table below. I have changed the residential property benchmarks.I am now using Corelogic Total Returns. This benchmark accounts for yearly asset price change as well as the gross rental yield. This provides a better benchmark for me as it reflects total return and answers the question – Would Slack funds be better deployed in Australian real estate?

In a 6 out of 10 years, the median balanced fund has done considerably better than asset growth plus the gross rental return from median Melbourne residential property. In 8 out of 10 years, the Slack fund has done better than Melbourne Property returns.

2010 6.6 9.8 12.3 13.1 10.8 26.9 4.2 3.1
2011 2.5 8.7 9.1 11.7 -2.4 0.9 4.4 3.7
2012 8.3 0.4 1.3 -6.7 1.3 -0.9 4.3 1.2
2013 26.5 14.7 18.6 22.8 7.7 8.3 3.2 2.4
2014 23.6 12.7 14.5 17.4 11.5 12.8 2.6 3.0
2015 2.4 9.6 11.8 5.7 7.7 15.6 2.5 1.5
2016 14.2 2.8 4.2 0.6 8.4 9.5 2.2 1.3
2017 19.5 10.4 8.8 14.1 6.5 17.7 1.9 1.9
2018 37.6 9.2 10.0 13.0 1.1 5.2 3.9 2.1
2019 19.7 7.2 9.8 11.2 1.7 -6.0 2.0 1.3

The Slack Fund yearly progress vs BENCHMARKS. The Median Balanced FundVanguard Growth FundASX 200 Accumulation IndexCorelogic Residential Property total return in both Brisbane and Melbourne, and Cash (Online bank Interest) and Consumer Price Index (CPI)

The Five-year compound annual performance gives me a much better idea about how things are going and will smooth out any dud (or remarkable!) results.

The compounding nature of a succession of good performance results can be seen in this growth of an initial investment of $10000 chart.

Thanks to Vlad Kolarov for a good image that might sum up Slack Investors situation.

Well, so far so good … but trade wars, Trump, China and the constant press about the next recession are starting to make Slack Investor worry whether he has got any concrete shoes on. A momentary lie on the couch and a modest celebration for the good results this year and it might then be time for a review of the portfolio. A clean out of some of the companies that I am a bit doubtful about … and a think about what companies, or ETF’s, might do OK if a recession was to occur in the next 6 months to two years. Slack Investor has poor form in trying to predict the future … so wholesale changes are unlikely, but a tinkering around the edges of the portfolio might just be the right thing. In the wise words of Peter Lynch …

“People who succeed in the stock market also accept periodic losses, setbacks, and unexpected occurrences. Calamitous drops do not scare them out of the game.” 

Peter Lynch, One Up On Wall Street:

Slack Performance … Not So Slack

Last post I described a change to the Slack Method for managing Index funds. Index “whole market” funds are just a small part of my share portfolio – about 3%. The bulk of my share market exposure is in individual growth companies.

Slack Investor is a great believer in measurement and is most un-Slack when it comes to record keeping and recording his investment results.

Lord Kelvin at 22 (c) Glasgow Museums;

If you can not measure it, you can not improve it

Attributed to Lord Kelvin … his more verbose quote is here

My main cycle of measurement is at the end of the tax year in Australia, June 30. Because the results of one-year performance can be a bit misleading. I am much more focused on results over 5 years as these longer term measures are more meaningful to the investor. The benchmarks I have used have been mainly sourced from the excellent NetActuary site. A shout out to the low cost Vanguard Growth Index Fund. When I tire of investing in individual companies, this (or Vanguard ETF’s) is the type of vehicle that would be a good resting place for funds that require minimal supervision.

The SLACK FUND 5-yr average compound return vs BENCHMARKS. The Median Balanced Fund, Vanguard Growth Fund, ASX 200 Accumulation Index, Residential Property median in both Brisbane and Melbourne, and Cash (Online bank Interest)

A good way of measuring growth is comparing $10000 invested in the Slack Fund in the 9 years since 2009 against benchmarks.

The SLACK FUND growth of $10000 invested October 2009 vs BENCHMARKS. The Median Balanced Fund, Vanguard Growth Fund, ASX 200 Accumulation Index, Residential Property median in both Brisbane and Melbourne, and Cash (Online bank Interest) and Consumer Price Index (CPI)

Year by year results are presented in table form below. I will add results at the end of each financial year and put them on The Slack Way page.


For this site I have only presented my share trading results since 2009. Any cherry-picking of data to avoid the terrible investing years of 2008 and 2009 is coincidental. Out of the ashes of the Global Financial Crisis (Great Recession), 2009 is the year that I started my Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF Slack Fund) and from which I have independently audited results. For the record, prior to 2012, I was not what I regard as a very successful investor. My investments for the 2003-2011 period performed worse than the Median Balanced fund on 6 out of 9 occasions.

What changed? I started to go to a local investment class which made me re-evaluate my investment method (Thanks Robbie Fuller!)

  • Took a more disciplined approach to investing by documenting everything and having weekly and monthly and yearly chart reviews of my investments
  • Tried to reduce confirmation bias from my portfolio – i.e. I bought this stock for a good reason … I am smart … the price has gone down … the market must be wrong! – I would score myself 5/10 on this goal!
  • Started using charts and stop losses extensively.
  • Started investing mostly in growth companies that have some barriers to entry for competitors (moats) – Companies with manageable debt, with future PE less than 25 -30, and with a return on equity (ROE) of >15%
  • Before investing in an individual company use both fundamental analysis (Thanks Market Screener) and technical (chart) analysis (Thanks Incredible Charts) before I make a buy order.
  • Tried to follow the Peter Lynch approach to my portfolio. Selling the bad performers (weeds) and trying to add to my position on stocks that are doing well (flowers).

You won’t improve results by pulling out the flowers and watering the weeds.

Legendary Investor Peter Lynch from

Investing in growth companies can have its despairing moments and I cannot guarantee that the Slack Fund will continue to outperform the benchmarks … but, the results, so far, are good.

March 2019 – End of Month Update … and Revised Slack Index Method

Slack Investor remains IN for Australian index shares and IN for the US Index S&P 500. The dogs’s breakfast of Brexit still weighs heavily in my mind but I am buying back IN for UK Index shares – as the FTSE 100  has shown remarkable resilience to the fraught politics of Brexit and displayed a monthly uptrend. I will buy back IN to the FTSE at near the end of March value of 7279 (See UK Index Page).

There were rises in all  Slack Investor followed markets (ASX200 +0.2%; FTSE100 +2.9%;  S&P500 +1.8%).  All Index pages and charts  have been updated to reflect the monthly changes – (ASX Index, UK Index, US Index).

The Slack Monthly Index Trading Method – Revised

Last month I mused about the diminishing returns of the Slack Monthly Index Trading Method. I am still outperforming the “Buy and Hold” investor in all followed markets – but the advantage is slim. Per annum outperformance is 2.9%, 1.2% and 1.1% for the ASX, UK and US markets respectively. Not really fantastic results when you consider that I am missing out on the “buy and hold” dividends for the times when I am out of the markets.

The Slack Index method was devised with a lot of back-testing on 30 years of market performances and does really well when sustained bear markets occur as it gets out of the market at a hopefully early stage in the price downturn. Ideally, the Slack method should stay in the market for the smaller fluctuations (corrections <~10%) and get out of stocks before it becomes a full bear market. The problem with my current strategy is that I am getting “whipsawed” out of the market in these smaller downturns.

Connection between US Bear markets and Recessions

There is a link (not a perfect link!) between US bear markets (drops of more than 20%) and US recessions. In the chart below, the bear markets are shown in thick purple lines and they mostly coincide with US recessions (grey columns).

Modified chart 1920-2019 showing (in purple) the bear markets (where the red US stock prices fall >20%) and the US recessions shown as grey columns – From Gavyn Davies Financial Times – Original source Haver Analytics

All well and good so far, but we want to be out of the markets before a recession … how can we predict recession? Should we ask economists? A recent survey found that 3/4 of those surveyed thought there would be a recession before 2021. This is good to have in the mind … but not that useful in a practical sense. Economists have a poor record in predicting recessions. I don’t mean to be mean to economists … I also have had a career in prediction (weather!) and there are many similarities. Like the atmosphere, economics is complicated, not all factors are known, and not all processes are truly understood – But we do our best!

The “Inverted Yield Curve” as a predictor of US Recession

There might be an answer to predicting recessions by using the US Treasury Bond “Yield curve” . You may have heard about the yield curve (Probably not! but read here) – where short-term US treasury bill yields are compared to long-term yields. Normally, you would expect the yields on your money to be higher the longer that you lock it away – this corresponds to the periods above the red line on the graph below. Usually, the 10-year Treasury bill yield is greater than the 1-year bill yield. However, if there is a very a gloomy US outlook and the Feds are raising rates, you can earn more in the short term. This is when the yield difference [10-yr minus 1-yr (or 2-yr)] slips into negative territory, and you have an inverted yield curve – shown with the thick purple lines below. Note that these inverted yields usually occur one to two years before a recession (grey columns).

Chart showing where the yeild curve becomes inverted (purple lines) with the US recessions shown as grey columns. Modified from Morningstar report – original source

I love being the owner of companies and much prefer being in the share market than not. I will adopt the brand new exciting Slack Monthly method that should keep me in shares for the smaller downturns (corrections). I will ignore any monthly downturn signals UNLESS there is a sustained period of the US Inverted Yield Curve. I can check this at the end of the month at This should maximise my chances of staying in shares until there is a threat of recession and the expectation of a larger downturn.

Jacinda Ardern shares a hug at a Wellington Mosque – From The Guardian

This has been a tough month for this part of the world – where, in Christchurch, a hate-filled idiot with a gun can a cause so much heartache for decent families. Great respect to the people of New Zealand and their exceptional leader Jacinda Ardern for bringing gun reform and such a strong message for humanity in the wake of this tragedy.

Power to love, tolerance and humanity.

The Slack Way to Financial Freedom: Episode 1 – Saving

Generational wisdom … Homer style. – From Source (May be subject to copyright)

Now Slack Investor admits to being a lucky bloke. and recognizes that many are doing it tough and just haven’t got the income to engage on a savings program. This post is not for you, and I hope that your fortunes will turn around soon. This post is the first in a series –  for people with choices on how they spend their income.

Save more than you spend … Duh! – Obvious you would think – Sorry Homer, It is worth doing!

According to a June 2018 Members Equity survey , of Australian households, less than half of them are  putting something into the savings bucket each month.

Households who ‘typically spend less than they
earn each month’ (i.e. savers) eased further to 48%

Not only are the savers decreasing, but at the other end of the scale, the number of households that are in financial distress is increasing. The ME Bank report shows that more Australians are overspending – households who ‘typically spend all of their income and more’ increased 3 points to 11% during the six months to June 2018. Cripes!

Now the hard truth is out there … what can you do? Slack investor doesn’t pretend to have invented how to save. Any financial website will contain similar information. The advice is sound because it works. Just get started … this is the first step.

  1. “Go and have a long hard look at yourself in the hall of mirrors” Roy and HG
  1. Analyze your financial situation … Over a month or two, see what is coming in and what is going out. Many banking apps assign categories for your monthly spending in your statements. A pen and paper would do, but free software makes this task easy ( e.g. for PC, MS Money Sunset (Slack Investor way); or  Phone: Pocketbook). Track your financial habits – you have to get an idea of what is going on in your financial world first … and then, take control.

2. Set yourself some savings goals. ...

Now the interesting part, and this is the “Art of the Possible”. Be realistic here and set goals that you can actually get done. Unless you can you work more hours or get an additional job, it is difficult to adjust the income side. The real power you have is over your spending. There are some things that you just have to spend – Rent, Bills, food etc. However, it is the discretionary things that need looking at. It doesn’t mean that you cant have fun anymore … just less expensive fun!

The purpose of discipline is to live more fullynot less.” Master Po – From Kung Fu (see below)

The objective is to build up some savings – for a house or retirement. Naturally, if you have any personal debt (Credit Cards, Personal loans) you should get rid of this first. Keep your savings account separate from all others. The best savings method is what works with you – It can be a jar, or a monthly transfer from your transaction account to your savings account. Young Slack investor always found saving easier if he didn’t see the money.  – A direct debit just after payday into your savings account will get this done.

What you should aim for when you get your first full-time job is to set up good habits. There is a good “Rule of Thumb” known as the 50:30:20 rule where you divide up your take home salary into parts – 50% for essentials, 30% for discretionary items (Fun!) and 20% for saving. There is a little bit of mathematics to back up this 20% savings rate. The Money Under Thirty table calculates that it will take 41 years of 20% saving (earning 5%) to get your savings to 25 times your inflation adjusted income – This is the amount that is generally agreed to be sustainable using investment earnings to replace your income, using the 4% rule.

Do not despair with these calculations, they are just a rough guide – and there are some things going in your favour as:

  • You don’t need to replace your whole income in retirement – just enough to cover your yearly expenses.
  • Over the long term, investment return earnings would hopefully better than 5% – this will get you to your goal quicker.
  • In Australia, if you earn over $450 per month, your employer is already contributing 9.5% of your wages to your retirement savings (Superannuation).
  • In Australia, we are in the very fortunate to have Medicare, a universal health system that subsidises health care for Australian citizens and permanent residents.
  • Although Slack Investor encourages readers to aim for complete financial independence in retirement. Under current rules, for Australians, there is a “sweet spot” for home owning couples of $400 000 in superannuation savings. Using a mix of the Age Pension and Super, couples can have a retirement income of $52,395 per annum. This bizarre sweet spot will be expanded upon in later posts.

3. Build an emergency fund.

In June 2018, a significant majority of households (62%) continued to report that they ‘could not easily raise $3,000 for an emergency’ – a percentage point lower than six months ago … ME Bank survey 

Do not be part of this 62%, it is so important to have that “cushion of cash” – from which your financial independence can build. You must be ready for the many unexpected things that life can throw at you -$3000 in an online account  is a good start and will help you sleep better at night. 

Youtube excerpt from Kung Fu (3:35) where wisdom is imparted from Master Po to Grasshopper (May be subject to copyright)

The next part of the Slack Way to Financial freedom is Investing. But, to paraphrase Master Po from the old TV Series (1972) Kung Fu

“Grasshopper … you are not ready for this … until you have mastered saving”

PS … If the discipline of saving gets too much, I recommend a bit of Youtube Roy and HG magic (12:39) here for light relief.