First Post … mmmm

I suppose that it is important to start of this blog with a profound post … just joking! … In reality, I am not sure how this blog will evo1374027484173661141the-thinkerlve – and what it will eventually contain.

This blog has started as a means to plot down the things that, through a great deal of trial and error, I know about investing. I don’t pretend to be a master investor – but through the years, I think that I have learned a lot and have developed methods that will work for most investors.

I have been lucky enough to learn from many kind investors over the years, together with reading many fine books on economics and investing. The knowledge that I have is continually being updated. Together with books, there are some great finance blogs that I continue to find interesting.

In essence, I want this blog to contain information that I wish I had 30 years ago – when I first started to think about saving for my retirement. I like to think that with the type of information that Slack Investor presents, my journey to financial independence might have been a little shorter.